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Shijiazhuang soft elastic epoxy potting soft elastic epoxy potting AB glue manufacturers + suppliers

Shijiazhuang soft elastic epoxy potting soft elastic epoxy potting AB glue manufacturers + suppliers
Shijiazhuang soft elastic epoxy potting soft elastic epoxy potting AB glue manufacturers + suppliers
Shijiazhuang soft elastic epoxy potting soft elastic epoxy potting AB glue manufacturers + suppliers

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Company:Shijiazhuang Li Ding Electronic Materials Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Shijiazhuang soft elastic epoxy potting soft elastic epoxy potting AB glue manufacturers + suppliers
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
Inquire Now
Shijiazhuang soft elastic epoxy potting manufacturers supply soft elastic epoxy potting, Phone: 13930464248 Contact: SUN towards welcome to inquire. This product is an elastic potting compound, which is characterized by: Besides general epoxy potting material characteristics, with high flexibility of its unique characteristics. Requirements applicable to the product and detachable elastic potting epoxy potting. First, the appearance and characteristics: Project AB Viscosity: (40 ℃ cps) 1100-1150 25 Appearance: You can specify the yellow Second, the ratio of epoxy potting :( soft bullet weight ratio) A: B = 2: 1 II. Soft bullet epoxy potting to use: 1. Preheat: poured device please bake 70-80 ℃ 1-2 hours to remove moisture. 2. Mixed: Weigh a certain amount of epoxy potting A soft elastic material, then, to add soft shells B epoxy potting material, and mix well. 3, degassing: soft elastic epoxy potting mix to be evacuated under the -0.095 to -0.1Mpa 15-20 minutes, then packaged. If the bubble is difficult Tuojin, please epoxy potting A soft elastic material pre-baked at 60 ℃. 4, pouring: After degassing the mixture poured into the device. Third, the curing conditions: soft elastic epoxy potting curing process: 40 ℃ × 3h + 60 ℃ × 2h or need to be adjusted according to the user. Fourth, the soft elastic epoxy potting use of time: five at room temperature for 1 hour, soft elastic properties of the cured epoxy potting: Thermal shock -55 ℃ - + 125 ℃ 10 times without cracking tensile strength (. room temperature) Pa 7.8 × 1016 Elongation (room temperature)% 140-300 tensile set (room temperature)% 0 compression failure strength (room temperature) Pa 2.1 × 105 damage compression ratio (room temperature)% 53 Shore hardness (D) 30 -70 seven airtight at room temperature shelf life :() 6 months are welcome to inquire soft elastic epoxy potting. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Shijiazhuang Li Ding Electronic Materials Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. SUN toward(Technical Manager)
Telephone Number: 0311-83099885
Company Address: 319 026-502 Shijiazhuang High-tech Zone Xiangjiang Road, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 050000
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