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Supply YWZ200-800 hydraulic brake

Supply YWZ200-800 hydraulic brake
Supply YWZ200-800 hydraulic brake
Supply YWZ200-800 hydraulic brake

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Company:Henan General Lifting Equipment Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Supply YWZ200-800 hydraulic brake
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Our large supply of crane brakes, model YWZ200 / 25, YWZ300 / 45, YWZ400 / 90, YWZ500 / 125 brakes, the product quality and stability, braking power, ease of installation, please contact us. The concept and classification Lifting Comments brake lifting machinery safety regulations stipulated: power-driven crane, its lifting, luffing, running, rotating mechanism are to be fitted with brakes. Brake friction principle to implement the use of the brake mechanism. Brake friction parts at a certain force pressing the brake mechanism on the wheel of a single, brake torque, the use of this braking torque, so that the object mass and inertia force generated torque reduction until both torque balance, achieve speed or braking requirements. Crane brakes used are varied. According to the structure characteristics can be divided into: - block, tape and reel three, including block type with the most. Block by working condition, can be divided into normally closed and normally open two. Normally closed brake is always in the closing state, when the operating mechanism of action available Brake solenoid or electro-hydraulic pusher other external causes. Normally open brake contrary, it is often in the brake release state, only when external force is applied to it closing. From job security, working mechanism should be adopted crane normally closed brake. From the working conditions, the preferred normally closed, to release work only when energized, in order to avoid a sudden power fell wounding free weights. Brake type and structure of common overhead crane brakes are: short-stroke electronic brake blocks, long-stroke tile brakes, hydraulic brake push rod tile, hydraulic electromagnetic brake pad and so on. 1, block brake ① short stroke electronic brake blocks: a short-stroke brake structure is simple, light weight, brake quickly. The disadvantage is that the impact and noise, short life, low brake torque, sometimes with residual magnetism phenomenon, only applies to the lifting mechanism, when there is no explosion-use DC power supply needs to be replaced electromagnet. ② long-stroke brake blocks: The advantage of this brake is big trip, you can get a larger braking torque, brake fast, with little residual magnetism phenomenon, relatively safe. The disadvantage is that the impact and noisy, life is not long enough, members are many and complex, large volume and mass, low efficiency, is only applicable to the lifting mechanism. ③ electro-hydraulic block brake: Hydraulic electromagnetic block alternative long-stroke brake blocks electromagnet, there YWZ (hydraulic putter) and YDWZ (hydraulic solenoids) two. YWZ brake smoothly, no noise, small size, used to run the institution and rotating mechanism better. Because the stopping action is slow, not suitable hoisting mechanism used to prevent leavened hook. YDWZ type variety of performance are good, and do not require frequent adjustment, only the DC power supply. 2, the band brake: Dimensions in restricted braking torque requires a great occasion, considering the selection of the band brake, the use of such brakes on mobile cranes. The disadvantage of a brake is less secure, with a broken brake will cause serious consequences. 3, disc brake: Disc brake torque is large, small size, large area of ??friction, wear, widely used. Disadvantage of disc brakes: solenoid coil temperature rise is mainly easy to heat, shock, noisy and parts are easily damaged. 4, the tapered cone brake brake brake ring and brake drum are tapered, conical tapered brake is part of the motor, cone motors reason why the production of rotor, stator design is tapered, its purpose is to get a simple structure, light and easy to adjust production assembly, and a motor integral cone brake, brake cone hoist is currently widely used, CD, AS, DH electric hoist brakes are tapered. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Henan General Lifting Equipment Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Zhang(Sales Manager)
Telephone Number: 0373-3065065
Company Address: 8th Industrial Zone, , Henan Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 453321
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