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Chain hoists chain hoist the chain hoist manual hoist 0.5 tons -50 tons 9 m

Chain hoists chain hoist the chain hoist manual hoist 0.5 tons -50 tons 9 m
Chain hoists chain hoist the chain hoist manual hoist 0.5 tons -50 tons 9 m
Chain hoists chain hoist the chain hoist manual hoist 0.5 tons -50 tons 9 m

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Company:Shanghai Jie Ying Hoisting Machinery Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Chain hoists chain hoist the chain hoist manual hoist 0.5 tons -50 tons 9 m
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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HSZ-V series chain hoist is an easy to use, easy to carry the manual lifting, suitable for factories, mines, construction sites, wharves, docks and warehouses, for installation of equipment, lifting and unloading of goods vehicles especially for open and no power supply more of its important function. This series can be used with various types of chain hoists TROLLEYS supporting the use of components Hand lifting and transport cart equipped for overhead monorail transport or jib crane. The main parameters: HSZ series chain hoists used in structural design and performance with the five major characteristics: the use of safe, easy to maintain high mechanical efficiency, hand-pull small, light weight, easy to carry, beautiful appearance, small size, durable chain hoist use rules: 1 . Do not overload to use. 2. prohibited by power other than human actions. 3. Before use is required to confirm parts intact, transmission parts and lifting the chain oiled, idling situation to normal. 4. Check up and down before lifting hook is firmly linked. Non weights hanging at the tip of malfunction. Lifting chain should be hung vertically, not a wrong twist of chain link, chain hook under the twin line may not flip. 5. The operator should stand on the same plane with the inner wheel bracelets hands pulled the chain to make bracelets wheel rotates clockwise, you can make the weight increased; reverse drag chain hands, noon to slowly decline. 6. When lifting weights, strictly prohibited under any heavy work or walking, in order to avoid injury. 7. In the lifting process, regardless of the weight up or down, hands pulled the chain, the force should be uniform gentle, not too much force, so as not to hand chain jump or snap ring. 8. operator such as found in hand-pull tension greater than normal, they should immediately stop using it. Hoists Maintenance: 1. hoist should be cleaned after use and coated with anti-rust oil, stored in a dry place. 2. Maintenance and service should be more familiar with the hoist mechanism were carried out to prevent the performance of the machine do not understand the principles of free disassembly. 3. gourd after cleaning and maintenance, load test should be conducted to confirm working, reliable braking can be delivered. The brake friction surfaces must be kept clean. Brakes should be inspected regularly part to prevent brake failure, the occurrence was from falling phenomenon. Buyers must-read: 1. As the circumstances product range turnover rate, occasional out of stock, so before deciding to buy this baby, please take contact and I, to see whether stock generally will not be out of stock. and, if out of stock I will promptly notify you choose a refund or other goods, but also a good point to ask clear, it has been free to delay your emergency. A sub a sub-price quality. 2. You are welcome to bid premise doubt, let the product itself or other precautions to reach consensus. It has caused unnecessary trouble-free. 3. Since the goods reach the ground is not the same, will lead to different shipping, standard shipping solid above for reference only, we will not guarantee cheaper account customers in postage one point a hair. Duotuishaobu 4. Something heavy, bulky, does not recommend the use of courier, shipping way freight logistics (need to bring the owner ID card since the delivery). 5. To send express charge at the actual delivery costs, goods packaging is relatively large, please try to select logistics and freight forwarding, logistics and freight prices due to relatively cheap, thank you !!! freight actually charged Note: If your company need to open by ticket To add eight points in taxes! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Shanghai Jie Ying Hoisting Machinery Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Wang Dongmei()
Telephone Number: 021-64306660
Company Address: Minhang District, Shanghai Star Road, Building 13, No. 104, Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Zip/Postal Code: 201100
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