MN-06-511-HN Yiertaike pneumatic valve
MN-06-511-HN Yiertaike pneumatic valve
MN-06-511-HN Yiertaike pneumatic valve MN-06-511-HN MN-06-511-HN MN-06-511-HN MN-06-511-HN MN-06-511-HN MN-06 -511-HN MN-06-511-HN MN-06-511-HN MN-06-511-HN Our sales agents in Germany AIRTEC air source processor, Germany AIRTEC valve, AIRTEC valve, AIRTEC electromagnetic valve, AIRTEC valve island , AIRTEC air source processor, AIRTEC standard valves, AIRTEC machine control valve, AIRTEC manual valve, AIRTEC logic valve, AIRTEC gas control valve, AIRTEC rodless cylinder, AIRTEC pneumatic proportional valve, AIRTEC vacuum generator. Shanghai Xinyu Electrical and Mechanical Equipment Co., Ltd. Contact: Chen Fei (Sales) Tel: 021-60512090 Fax: 021-55032831 Online QQ: 1536539934 1277069118 Website: http: // Mail: 1536539934 @ qq. com Mobile: 18717727483 Our ordering process: 1. Customer acknowledges Duoxu Model Procurement send inquiry fax; 2. We will be based RFQ for price and delivery model, to prepare a detailed formal quotation fax pricing; 3. Customer quotations received and confirmed the model is correct order products; 4. Quote responsible person who intends to provide sales contracts based on customer type and quantity; 5. Now the customer receives the contract agreed and in accordance with stamped return sales amount of remittances to the company Bank; 6. I found the company's financial section, arrange delivery and head clerk informed customer tracking waybill Germany AIRTEC company specializing in the production of various types of pneumatic valves, are key components in industrial automation equipment indispensable . AIRTEC company produces various types of pressure valves, in addition to traditional industrial standard valves, as well as according to the special needs of the development of specialty valves, including valves comes with a digital control system, multi-channel, multi-aperture valves AIRTEC valve manufacturing precision, long life, stable performance, category and size range, so that equipment manufacturers preferred target optional pneumatic control systems. AIRTEC valves are AIRTEC company's leading product, its unique, patented valve structure designed, its high-quality, high life, low maintenance. AIRTEC catalouge flow rate value in NL / min. And based on a pressure drop from the inlet to 6 bar (87 PSI) in 5 (72.5 psi) pressure outlet. The following experimental flow measurement circuit. Area 1 sq. In. = 6.452 cm2 1 cm2 = 0.155 sq. In. 1 sq. Ft. = 0.0929 m2 1 m2 = 10.764 sq. Ft. Force 1 lbf. = 4.44822 N Length 1 mm = 0.03937 in 1 in = 25.4 mm 1 ft = 12 in = 0.3048 m 1 m = 3.281 ft 1 yd = 3 ft = 0.914398 m 1 m = 1.09362 yd AIRTEC directory temperature value ° C. The following table assists ° F or Kelvin (° K) conversion. Formula ° C to ° F Formula ° F to ° CC x 9 --- + 32 = ° F (F - 32) x 5/9 = ° C 5 spot some of the specific type KM-09-510-HN-142 M- 07-310-HN MO-07-310-HN M-07-311-HN MO-07-311-HN ME-07-311-HN ME-07-312-HN M-07-320-HN MO-07 -320-HN M-07-510-HN M-07-511-HN ME-07-511-HN ME-07-511-HN-Q M-07-520-HN ME-07-520-HN ME- 07-520-HN-Q M-07-530-HN M-07-533-HN M-07-534-HN MF-05-520-HN MF-05-530-HN MF-05-533-HN MF -25-510-HN MF-25-511-HN MF-07-510-HN MF-07-511-HN MF-07-520-HN MF-07-530-HN MF-07-533-HN MI- 01 / E MI-011 MI-013 MI-02 / E MI-021 MI-023 MI-03 / E MI-031 MI-033 OR-18 P-05-310 P-05-311 P-05-320 P -05-510 P-05-520 P-05-530 P-05-533 P-05-534 RF-05-E RF-07-E RF-19-E SE-18 ST-18-310 SZ-18 -310 VZ-18-310 AN-98 DR-98 HF-98-310 HF-98-510 HF-98-530 HF-98-533 HR-98-320 HR-98-520 HR-98-530 HR- 98-533 KF-99- ... KF-90- ... KM-99- ... KM-90- ... MI-91 / E MI-911 MI-913 MI-92 / E MI-921 MI-923 MI-93 / E MI-931 MI-933 MC-07-510-HN KN-05-510-HN black oxide 23-SP-012 MN-06-510-HN M-07-520-HN M-07-311-HN M- 04-520-HN MF-07-530HN M-07-530-HM HF-18-533 HF-18-510 M-04-310-HN MN-06-511-HN MN-06-310-HN M- 22-510-HN KN-05-520-HN KM-09-511-HN MN-06-310HN M-04-510-HN M-05-310-HN KN-05-310-HN M-22-511 -HN-127 MS-18-310 / 6-HN-112 MS-18-310 / 3-HN-112 M-94-510-HN M-95-310-HN M-95-311-HN M-95 -510-HN M-95-511-HN M-95-520-HN M-95-530-HN M-95-533-HN M-95-534-HN M-97-310-HN M-97- 311-HN M-97-510-HN M-97-511-HN M-97-520-HN M-97-530-HN M-97-533-HN M-97-534-HN MF-95-520 -HN MF-95-530-HN MF-95-533-HN MF-95-510-HN MF-95-511-HN MF-97-510-HN MF-97-511-HN MF-97-520- HN MF-97-530-HN MF-97-533-HN AIRTEC AIRTEC valve is the company's leading product, its unique, patented valve structure designed, its high-quality, high life, low maintenance M -07 MI-01 series MI-01-510-HN MI-01-511-HN MI-01-520-HN MI-01-530-HN MI-01-533-HN MI-02 series MI-02-510 -HN-112 MI-02-510-HN MI-02-511-HN MI-02-520-HN MI-02-530-HN MI-02-533-HN MI-02-510-HN MI-02- 511-HN MI-02-520-HN MI-02-530-HN MI-02-533-HN. ME-22-320-HN MI-03 series MI-03-510-HN-112 MI-03-510 -HN MI-03-511-HN MI-03-520-HN MI-03-530-HN MI-03-533-HN MS-20 series 3/2 poppet valve MS-20-310 / n-HN- 112 MS-20-310-HN MS-18-310 / n-HN-112 MS-18-310 / n-HN MS-18-310-HN MSO-18-310 / n-HN MSO-18-310- HN M-20 Series M-20-510-HN-112 M-20-510-HN M-20-520-HN M-20-530-HN M-20-533-HN M-04 M-04-310 -HN-142 M-04-320-HN M-04-510-HN-142 M-04-510-HN M-04-511-HN M-04-520-HN M-04-530-HN M- 04-530-HN M-04-533-HN Germany AIRTEC electromagnetic valve MI-02 series MI-02-520-HN pneumatic solenoid valves MS-18-310 / n-HN-112 poppet valve M-05 M-05 -310-HN-142 M-05-310-HN MO-05-310-HN M-05-311-HN MO-05-311-HN M-05-320-HN ME-05-311-HN ME- 05-311-H ME-05-320-HN M-05-510-HN-DC24V M-05-510-HN M-05-511-HN M-05-520-HN M-05-530-H M -05-533-HN. M-05-534-HN ME-05-511-HN ME-05-520-HN M-05-520-HN, ME-05-520-HN, ME-05-520- HN-Q, M-05-530-HN, M-05-533-HN, M-05-534-HN AIRTEC N-06 Series MN-06-310-HN MN-06-311-HN MN-06- 510-HN MN-06-511-HN MN-06-520-HN MN-06-530-HN MN-06-310-HN, MN-06-311-HN MN-06-510-HN, MN-06 -511-HN MN-06-520-HN, MN-06-530-HN AN-18 DR-18 HF-18-310 HF-18-510 HF-18-530 HF-18-533 HR-18-320 HR-18-520 HR-18-530 HR-18-533 KF-09- ... KF-10- ... KM-09- ... KM-10- ... M-04-510-HN M-05-310-HN M -05-311-HN M-05-510-HN M-05-511-HN M-05-520-HN M-05-530-HN M-05-533-HN M-05-534-HN M- 07-310-HN M-07-311-HN M-07-510-HN M-07-511-HN M-07-520-HN M-07-530-HN M-07-533-HN M-07 -534-HN OR-98 P-95-310 P-95-311 P-95-320 P-95-510 P-95-520 P-95-530 P-95-533 P-95-534 RF-95 -E RF-97-E RF-99-E SE-98 ST-98-310 SZ-98-310 VZ-98-310 M-05-310-HN-NPT M-05-310-HN-NPT M- 05-510-HN-NPT M-05-511-HN-NPT M-05-520-HN-NPT M-05-530-HN-NPT M-05-533-HN-NPT M-05-534-HN -NPT M-07-310-HN-NPT M-07-310-HN-NPT M-07-510-HN-NPT M-07-511-HN-NPT M-07-520-HN-NPT M-07 -530-HN-NPT M-07-533-HN-NPT M-07-534-HN-NPT MF-05-520-HN-NPT MF-05-530-HN-NPT MF-05-533-HN- NPT MF-05-510-HN-NPT MF-25-511-HN-NPT MF-07-510-HN-NPT MF-07-510-HN-NPT MF-07-520-HN-NPT MF-07- 530-HN-NPT MF-07-533-HN-NPT MI-01 / E-NPT MI-011-NPT MI-013-NPT MI-02 / E-NPT MI-021-NPT MI-023-NPT MI- 03 / E-NPT MI-031-NPT MI-033-NPT OR-18-NPT P-05-310-NPT P-05-311-NPT P-05-320-NPT P-05-510-NPT P- 05-520-NPT P-05-530-NPT P-05-533-NPT P-05-534-NPT RF-05-E-NPT RF-07-E-NPT RF-99-E SE-18-NPT ST-18-310-NPT SZ-18-310-NPT VZ-18-310-NPT KM-10 KM-10-510-HN-142 KM-10-510-HN, KM-10-511-HN KM- 10-520-HN KM-10-530-HN KM-10-533-HN KM-10-534-HN M-22 M-22-310-HN-112 M-22-310-HN M-22-311 -HN MO-22-310-HN MO-22-311-HN ME-22-311-HN ME-22-311-HN-Q M-22-320-HN ME-22-320-HN ME-22- 320-HN-Q M-22-510-HN M-22-511-HN ME-22-511-HN ME-22-511-HN-Q M-22-520-HN ME-22-520-HN ME -22-520-HN-Q M-22-530-HN M-22-533-HN RE-03/8-M MC-20-510-HN-412 MD-20-510-HN-412 MC-22 -520-HN-412. MC-22-530-HN-412 MC-22-533-HN-412 RE-03-V-EP RE-03-DT 28-ST-RE-100 19 28-ST-RE -103-8 19 28-ST-RE-103-16 19 28-ST-RE-105-8 19 28-ST-RE-105-16 19 28-ST-RE-107-8 19 28-ST-RE -107-16 19 28-ST-RE-110 19 28-ST-RE-113-8 19 28-ST-RE-113-16 19 28-ST-RE-115-8 19 28-ST-RE-115 -16 19 28-ST-RE-117-8 19 28-ST-RE-117-16 19 54-RE-03-M MC-20-510-HN-412 MD-20-510-HN-412 MC- 22-520-HN-412 MC-22-530-HN-412 MC-22-533-HN-412 MF-04-510-HN-412 MF-24-520-HN-412 MF-24-530-HN -412 MF-24-533-HN-412 RE-04-V-EP RE-04-DT 28-ST-RE-100 19 28-ST-RE-103-8 19 28-ST-RE-103-16 19 28-ST-RE-105-8 19 28-ST-RE-105-16 19 28-ST-RE-107-8 19 28-ST-RE-107-16 19 28-ST-RE-110 19 28 -ST-RE-113-8 19 28-ST-RE-113-16 19 28-ST-RE-115-8 19 28-ST-RE-115-16 19 28-ST-RE-117-8 19 28 -ST-RE-117-16 19 54-RE-04-A 54-RE-04-M MF-04-510-HN-412 MF-24-520-HN-412 MF-24-530-HN-412 MF-24-533-HN-412 RE-10/04-M-1-060 RE-10/06-M-1-060 .. RE-10/08-M-1-060 RE-10 / 10- M-1-060 RE-10/12-M-1-060 RE-10 28-ST-10-M1-26 LF-10-310 / 2-HN-412 LF-10-312 / 2-HN-412 LF-10-314 / 2-HN-412 LF-10-511-HN-412 LF-10-520-HN-412 LF-10-530-HN-412 LF-10-533-HN-412 LF-10 -534-HN-412 RE-10-DT-01 RE-10-DT-02 RE-10-ES RE-10-RSV RE-10-V-EP 28-ST-10-M1-26-105 28- ST-10-M1-26-110 LF-10 LF-10-310 / 2-HN-412 LF-10-312 / 2-HN-412 LF-10-314 / 2-HN-412 LF-10-511 -HN-412 LF-10-520-HN-412 LF-10-530-HN-412 LF-10-533-HN-412 LF-10-534-HN-412 Main products: Germany BOSCH REXROTH (Bosch - Rexroth) pneumatic components, the United States EATON VICKERS (Eaton - Vickers) hydraulic components, the United States PARKER (Parker) hydraulic components ,, Italy ATOS (Athos) hydraulic components, Germany HYDAC (HYDAC) electronic devices, Austria (B & R) B & R, the United States bently Bentley, Siemens CNC products, in this welcome new and old customers call us, we will be happy to serve you, the customer satisfaction is our success!
Contact Detail
Company Name: | Shanghai Xinyu Electrical and Mechanical Equipment Co.,.. |
Employee Number: | |
Annual export: | |
Year Established: | |
Contact Person: | Mr. Chen Fei(Sales Manager) |
Telephone Number: | 021-60512090 |
Company Address: | Meander Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai, Shanghai, Shanghai, China |
Zip/Postal Code: | 200092 |
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