Fanuc Mitsubishi system repair parts supply
Fanuc Mitsubishi system repair parts supply
Specializing in FANUC (Fanuc) CNC system component repair. A06B-6050-H201 A06B-6058-H224 A06B-6050-H202 A06B-6058-H225 A06B-6050-H203 A06B-6058-H226 A02B-0098-B511 A06B-6050-H401 A06B-6058-H227 A02B-0130-B505 A06B-6050-H402 A06B-6058-H228 A02B-0200-B503 A06B-6050-H403 A06B-6058-H229 A02B-0216-B502 A06B-6050-H404 A06B-6058-H230 A02B-0218-B502 A06B-6057-H001 A06B-6058-H231 A02B-0259-B501 A06B-6057-H002 A06B-6058-H251 A02B-0259-C020 A06B-6057-H003 A06B-6058-H252 A03B-0801-C101 A06B-6057-H004 A06B-6058-H253 A03B-0801-C102 A06B-6057-H005 A06B-6058-H301 A06B-0024-B578 A06B-6057-H006 A06B-6058-H321 A06B-0061-B103 A06B-6057-H007 A06B-6058-H322 A06B-0105-B011 A06B-6057-H105 A06B-6058-H323 A06B-0113-B075 A06B-6057-H201 A06B-6058-H324 A06B-0127-B075 A06B-6057-H202 A06B-6058-H325 A06B-0127-B077 A06B-6057-H205 A06B-6058-H326 A06B-0127-B177 A06B-6057-H301 A06B-6058-H327 A06B-0128-B077 A06B-6057-H302 A06B-6058-H328 A06B-0128-B575 A06B-6057-H303 A06B-6058-H329 A06B-0128-B675 A06B-6057-H401 A06B-6058-H330 A06B-0143-B075 A06B-6057-H402 A06B-6058-H331 A06B-0215-B000 A06B-6057-H403 A06B-6058-H332 A06B-0227-B300 A06B-6058-H331 A06B-6058-H333 A06B-0313-B002 A06B-6058-H002 A06B-6058-H334 A06B-0313-B003 A06B-6058-H003 A06B-6059-H212 A06B-0313-B005 A06B-6058-H004 A06B-6064-H006 A06B-0313-B006 A06B-6058-H005 A06B-6064-H030 A06B-0314-B521 A06B-6058-H006 A06B-6064-H040 A06B-0345-B231 A06B-6058-H007 A06B-6064-H301 A06B-037 -B06 A06B-6058-H011 A06B-6064-H302 A06B-0503-B033 A06B-6058-H012 A06B-6064-H303 A06B-0750-B394 A06B-6058-H013 A06B-6064-H304 A06B-0752-B100 A06B-6058-H023 A06B-6064-H306 A06B-0752-B200 A06B-6058-H025 A06B-6064-H308 A06B-0844-B201 A06B-6058-H102 A06B-6064-H312 A06B-0850-B190 A06B-6058-H103 A06B-6064-H313 A06B-0855-B 00 A06B-6058-H191 A06B-6064-H315 A06B-0869-B900 A06B-6058-H203 A06B-6064-H315 # H550 A06B-6050-H102 A06B-6058-H204 A06B- 6064-H318 A06B-6050-H103 A06B-6058-H221 A06B-6064-H322 A06B-6050-H104 A06B-6058-H222 A06B-6066-H001 A06B-6050-H113 A06B-6058-H223 A06B-6066-H002 A06B- 6066-H003 A06B-6078-H206 # H520 A06B-6079-H209 A06B-6066-H004 A06B-6078-H211 A06B-6079-H210 A06B-6066-H005 A06B-6078-H211 # 520 A06B-6079-H291 A06B-6066 -H006 A06B-6078-H211 # H500 A06B-6079-H301 A06B-6066-H007 A06B-6078-H211 # H520 A06B-6079-H302 A06B-6066-H008 A06B-6078-H230 A06B-6079-H303 A06B-6066- H011 A06B-6078-H230 # H500 A06B-6079-H304 A06B-6066-H012 A06B-6078-H230 # H520 A06B-6079-H305 A06B-6066-H013 A06B-6078-H302 # H500 A06B-6079-H306 A06B-6066 -H206 A06B-6078-H302 # H520 A06B-6079-H307 A06B-6066-H211 A06B-6078-H302H500 A06B-6079-H308 A06B-6066-H222 A06B-6078-H306 # H500 A06B-6079-H401 A06B-6066- H223 A06B-6078-H306 # H520 A06B-6080-H302 A06B-6066-H224 A06B-6078-H311 # H500 A06B-6080-H303 A06B-6066-H233 A06B-6078-H311 # H520 A06B-6080-H304 A06B-6066 -H234 A06B-6078-H411 # H500 A06B-6080-H305 A06B-6066-H235 A06B-6078-H411 # H520 A06B-6080-H306 A06B-6066-H236 A06B-6078-H415 # H500 A06B-6080-H307 A06B- 6066-H244 A06B-6078-H415 # H520 A06B-6081-H050 A06B-6066-H246 A06B-6078-H422 # H500 A06B-6081-H103 A06B-6066-H266 A06B-6078-H422 # H520 A06B-6081-H106 A06B -6066-H281 A06B-6078-H426 # H500 A06B-6081-H106F A06B-6066-H291 A06B-6078-H426 # H520 A06B-6082-H202 # H510 / H511 / H512 A06B-6066-H711 A06B-6078-H430 # H500 A06B-6082-H206 # H510 A06B-6066-K205 A06B-6078-H430 # H520 A06B-6082-H206 # H510 / H511 / H512 A06B-6071-K203 A06B-6078-K001 A06B-6082-H206H521 A06B-6074- H301 A06B-6078-K002 A06B-6082-H211 # 512 A06B-6076-H101 A06B-6078-K830 A06B-6082-H211 # H510 / H511 / H512 A06B-6076-H102 A06B-6079-H101 A06B-6082-H211 # H512 A06B-6076-H104 A06B-6079-H102 A06B-6082-H215 # H510 / H511 / H512 A06B-6077-H106 A06B-6079-H103 A06B-6082-H215 # H511 A06B-6077-H111 A06B-6079-H104 A06B -6082-H222 # H510 / H511 / H512 A06B-6077-H115 A06B-6079-H105 A06B-6082-H266 # H510 / H511 / H512 A06B-6077-H126 A06B-6079-H106 A06B-6083-H230 A06B-6077- H130 A06B-6079-H107 A06B-6083-H245 A06B-6077-K102 A06B-6079-H108 A06B-6083-H245 A06B-6077-K103 A06B-6079-H201 A06B-6085-H103 A06B-6077-K121 A06B-6079- H202 A06B-6085-H204 A06B-6077-K122 A06B-6079-H203 A06B-6087-H111 A06B-6077-K123 A06B-6079-H204 A06B-6087-H115 A06B-6078-H202 # 500 A06B-6079-H205 A06B- 6087-H126 A06B-6078-H202 # H500 A06B-6079-H206 A06B-6087-H130 A06B-6078-H202 # H520 A06B-6079-H207 A06B-6087-H137 A06B-6078-H206 # H500 A06B-6079-H208 A06B -6087-H145 A06B-6087-H155 A06B-6089-H215 A06B-6096-H116 A06B-6087-H326 A06B-6089-H712 A06B-6096-H121 A06B-6088-H122 # H500 / H520 A06B-6090-H002 A06B- 6096-H122 A06B-6088-H122H500 A06B-6090-H003 A06B-6096-H166 A06B-6088-H130 A06B-6090-H004 A06B-6096-H201 A06B-6088-H130 # H500 / H520 A06B-6090-H005 A06B-6096 -H202 A06B-6088-H211 # 500 A06B-6090-H006 A06B-6096-H203 A06B-6088-H215 # 500 A06B-6090-H007 A06B-6096-H203 A06B-6088-H215 # H500 / H520 A06B-6090-H008 A06B-6096-H204 A06B-6088-H222 # 500 A06B-6090-H206 A06B-6096-H205 A06B-6088-H222 # H500 / H520 A06B-6090-H222 A06B-6096-H206 A06B-6088-H226 A06B-6090- H223 A06B-6096-H207 A06B-6088-H226 # 500 A06B-6090-H224 A06B-6096-H208 A06B-6088-H230 A06B-6090-H233 A06B-6096-H208 A06B-6088-H230 # H500 A06B-6090-H234 A06B-6096-H209 A06B-6088-H230 # H500 / H520 A06B-6090-H236 A06B-6096-H301 A06B-6088-H245 # H500 / H520 A06B-6090-H244 A06B-6096-H302 A06B-6088-H255 # H500 / H520 A06B-6090-H266 A06B-6096-H303 A06B-6088-H315 # H500 / H520 A06B-6091-H118 A06B-6096-H304 A06B-6088-H315H500 A06B-6091-H130 A06B-6096-H305 A06B-6088- H322 # H500 / H520 A06B-6091-H145 A06B-6096-H306 A06B-6088-H326 # H500 / H520 A06B-6091-H175 A06B-6096-H307 A06B-6088-H330 # H500 / H520 A06B-6092-H345H500 A06B- 6100-H002 A06B-6088-H415 # H500 / H520 A06B-6093-H101 A06B-6100-H004 A06B-6088-H415H500 A06B-6093-H102 A06B-6100-H006 A06B-6088-H422 # H500 / H520 A06B-6093- H103 A06B-6102 H202 # H520 maintenance items listed above for the FANUC CNC system 10 / 11,0 / 0i, 15 / 15i, 16 / 16i, 18 / 18i, part of the FANUC parts 21 / 21i, and you need other parts repair FANUC , you can call to our office. We are interested friends, see the following instructions: 1. Our repair service product, the warranty period of three months are all (except for special requirements). 2. faulty product warranty repair, we will be the fastest speed repaired. 3. not arbitrary charges, reasonable fees depending on the fault, do not exaggerate the failure point, failure to reflect the true situation. 4. Repair your product after we check to make you an offer, if you think our price is unreasonable, you can come to us. You can also choose not to repair. We will immediately give you back intact or return. 5. Because we all come from different places, in order to give you as much as possible uniform price, so our prices are all quoted prices are not tax free shipping, if you have special needs, please let us know. 6. We both already know each other, and you have a certain amount of maintenance each month when, during your service product maintenance, as long as we have the same type of finished product inventory, we can lend you to use free of charge, until you maintenance product repaired. 7. Whether or not you cooperate with us, too, there is a technical problem, you can ask us for free consultation by phone, we will do our best to help you solve the problem. 8. Customer service products need to repair the first payment after a good return, if there are special needs, please let us know! 9. Since the service is different from commodity trading, so we do not support Alipay transaction, please understand! 10. Our service hours: Monday to Sunday 8: 30-12: 00,13: 30-18: 30. Above, please be assured to cooperate with us! For questions, please contact us and we will be happy to help you!
Contact Detail
Company Name: | Karen Cheung Wing Mechanical and Electrical Equipment C.. |
Employee Number: | |
Annual export: | |
Year Established: | |
Contact Person: | Mr. Maintenance consulting(Technology Support) |
Telephone Number: | 0185-66222816 185-66222816 |
Company Address: | Shenzhen, Shenzhen City, Guangdong, China |
Zip/Postal Code: | 518100 |
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