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Casting machine manufacturer - Botou gifted tripod Machinery Plant

Casting machine manufacturer - Botou gifted tripod Machinery Plant
Casting machine manufacturer - Botou gifted tripod Machinery Plant
Casting machine manufacturer - Botou gifted tripod Machinery Plant

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Company:Botou gifted tripod Machinery Plant
Information Name: Casting machine manufacturer - Botou gifted tripod Machinery Plant
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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 Casting can be divided into: a large machine tool castings, lost model casting, resin sand casting HT200-300 casting resin sand casting machine were lost foam solid casting, a single 40 tons, machine tool castings including machine bed, table, columns, beams, gantry top connecting beam, bed casting abrasion resistance and vibration absorber. Relatively low melting point, good fluidity, low shrinkage. Casting Features (1) EPC casting abrasion resistance and vibration absorber. Because graphite cast iron and favor lubrication oil reservoir, so good wear resistance. Also, due to the presence of graphite absorber resistance than steel. Good (2) process performance. Due to the high carbon gray cast iron, is close to the eutectic composition, it is a relatively low melting point, good fluidity, low shrinkage, and therefore suitable for the casting complex or thin-walled castings. In addition, since the graphite is easy to form the cutting chip breaking process, so gray cast iron machinability than steel. Our commitment to great products Three Guarantees: 1. Our customer service team equipped to provide comprehensive after-sales service, all the worries of lifting customer. 2. Product quality three bags a year, a lifetime warranty. Belong product quality problems, repair period, repair, replace or return, and to provide spare parts supply. 3. Customers in the course of the quality problem, after receiving a written customer service requirements, two hours to reply, for on-site service, less than 1000 km 2 days to reach the service site, 10 km away from five days to reach the service site. 4. installation guide, and make regular visits. Supplier: Ding Machinery Factory Botou excellent origin: City of Hebei Province cross the River Zone http // www.btydjxc.com QQ: 1690892257 E-mail; byydjxc@163.com Telephone: 0317-8031203 0317-8171885 Mobile: 15,233,275,726 (a) 13,011,988,061 (two 0) 15852708925 (three) 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Botou gifted tripod Machinery Plant
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Du Jingli()
Telephone Number: 0317-8031203
Company Address: Cangzhou, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province, China
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