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Geotextile geotextile market price

Geotextile geotextile market price
Geotextile geotextile market price
Geotextile geotextile market price

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Company:Edison New Materials Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Geotextile geotextile market price
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Geotextile applications: (1) for reinforced retaining wall backfill, or for anchoring retaining wall panels. The wrap-built retaining wall or abutment. 2) Reinforcement flexible pavement, repair cracks on the road surface to prevent reflection crack. (3) Increase gravel reinforced soil slope stability and prevent frost damage when soil erosion and low temperatures. (4) road barrier layer between the ballast and subgrade, or barrier layer between the roadbed and the soft base. (5) artificial fill, isolation or rockfill material field and ground isolation layer between different permafrost. Filtration and reinforcement role. (6) The ash storage dam or tailings dam upstream dam surface of the initial filter layer, retaining wall backfill in the drainage system filter layer. (7) Drainage Ditch drainage underground pipe or gravel surrounding the periphery of the filter layer. (8) hydraulic engineering in wells, wells or vacuum filter layer baroclinic tube. (9) highways, airports, railways and other road twitter and artificial rockfill and geotextile ground between barrier. (10) Dam internal vertical or horizontal drainage, buried in the soil pore water pressure dissipated. (11) earth dam or embankment in the Geomembrane surface cover the lower part of the back or concrete drainage. (12) to exclude the surrounding tunnel seepage, reduce water seepage around the lining is exposed to the external water pressure and various buildings. (13) artificial fill and drainage Ground Stadium Foundation. (14) road (including temporary roads) railway, embankment, dam, airports, stadiums and other projects to strengthen the soft ground. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Edison New Materials Co., Ltd.
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Annual export:
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Contact Person: Mr. Zhao Shouzhen(Composites Sales Manager)
Telephone Number: 0534-1586593-0678
Company Address: Lingxian Economic Development Zone, , Shandong Province, China
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