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Lianyungang port to shipping agents Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Lianyungang port to shipping agents Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Lianyungang port to shipping agents Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Lianyungang port to shipping agents Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

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Company:Lianyungang teya International Freight Forwarders Ltd.
Information Name: Lianyungang port to shipping agents Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
Inquire Now
Lianyungang ocean freight forwarding company exports to Saudi Arabia Jeddah Jeddah, Saudi Arabia to Lianyungang port shipping agency SPECIAL NOTICE international railway specific requirements and precautions: 1. rail freight must be paid up in front of the port. 2. Verify that the consignment carefully, after completion of the waybill confirmation will not be allowed to change! 3. The railway does not allow shutout after booking or change box, otherwise it will generate USD300 / cabinet changes shutout fee due railway crane 4. particularity required balance weight when loading the head and tail, while a group of small cabinet In less than four tons drop weight 5. Leasing, need the cargo to the port of destination, cleared her close within 10 days after the return of empty containers to the designated place (to be specified in detail in the railway consignment 10 bar), late consignor We will bear the additional cost of USD50 per case per day. 6. goods to Hong Kong, customs cleared her client more than 10 days, did not return empty containers Division I, Division I will be treated as a box of loss and penalty amounts are as follows: USD 3500 per 20 "USD 5500 per 40" HC 7. consignee at the station suitcase, found the box deformation, breakage, door handles broken anomalies, must first inform, so that timely coordination with foreign freight forwarders to resolve, if no objection will be considered intact. And if they are told in the collection agents found empty boxes loss, repair expense arising box 8, in transit, in case of customs inspection, we will impose a fee ticket. In case of any cause customs inspection of goods inspection and other domestic and foreign residence, it will rely on the railway and the relevant departments to produce a bill demurrage charges abroad must be provided 9. After clearing customs clearance and stamped waybill scanned copy chapter, to take effect 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Lianyungang teya International Freight Forwarders Ltd.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Gu Jinshuang(Rail transport department staff)
Telephone Number: 0518-80999963
Company Address: Begonia Road promenade on the 2nd Room 501, Block C Sunshine International Lianyun District Lianyungang, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 222000
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