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Dragon dials service, Ding Hao compact discs, video tapes transcribed, Zhongguancun tape transcription DVD

Dragon dials service, Ding Hao compact discs, video tapes transcribed, Zhongguancun tape transcription DVD
Dragon dials service, Ding Hao compact discs, video tapes transcribed, Zhongguancun tape transcription DVD
Dragon dials service, Ding Hao compact discs, video tapes transcribed, Zhongguancun tape transcription DVD

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Company:Beijing European Year of Boao Advertising Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Dragon dials service, Ding Hao compact discs, video tapes transcribed, Zhongguancun tape transcription DVD
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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,, Tape transcription, stability Zhongguancun, Beijing recorded a sharp image quality and Times Technology Co., burner, mass and burn CD burning operations have a relationship. First, work to stabilize state recorder, that recorder is capable of normal use. The second is used to burn the disc quality is better, if the disc has not appeared before burning spots, not to mention the quality of this completely. Burn operation mainly refers to the burn rate, under normal circumstances is the slower the better (1x burn), but many can not burn a DVD recorder supports 1x, 2x so is a better choice. Now a new type of burner function mostly with burn to death, but the use of burning to death function makes burning a gap, although this gap is small, and does not affect the use, but the quality is somewhat impaired burn the (audio CD the greatest impact). So one way to try not to use to burn to death function is to improve burning quality. Burner program used in the past to try to pay attention to the operating temperature, high temperature will make the recording quality drop even failure. For this service, please contact the Beijing Times Technology Co., Ltd Rui Ying: please call down to find: 010-62102043 13366238895 Website: www.bjevd.com 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Beijing European Year of Boao Advertising Co., Ltd.
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Company Address: CD system, , Beijing, China
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