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aqsiq overseas supplier enterprises Registration Certificate Authority

aqsiq overseas supplier enterprises Registration Certificate Authority
aqsiq overseas supplier enterprises Registration Certificate Authority
aqsiq overseas supplier enterprises Registration Certificate Authority

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Company:Hangzhou Central Inspection Business Services Ltd.
Information Name: aqsiq overseas supplier enterprises Registration Certificate Authority
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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The difference between foreign and domestic application AQSIQ AQSIQ (domestic consignee registration certificate): The difference between a: ISO9001 handle overseas supplier AQSIQ, must have ISO9001 certification, the Administration is prescribed, but for domestic consignee registration certificate if , there is no mandatory requirement for ISO9001 Central Inspection Business Services Ltd. Hangzhou Song a super 15088680779 E-mail: scrap@aqsiqgov.com QQ1545507518 Skype: huanjian40 MSN: hjfw@outlook.com Difference between the two: Audit form outside the AQSIQ different applications, generally content of the document after checking, certification immediately, in the next three years, there may be abroad on-site audit. However, the domestic consignee registration certificate is not the same, it is necessary to go through the local inspection and quarantine after a review of the site to its renewal. Third difference: when to apply the different supply and demand information on foreign suppliers handle AQSIQ, do not need to provide any information on domestic buyers. However, domestic enterprises for domestic AQSIQ, must provide at least a four supplier information about the differences: different receiving unit is receiving units abroad AQSIQ AQSIQ, while accepting institution domestic consignee registration certificate is the place where immigration Inspection and Quarantine difference V: Processing time is generally different AQSIQ outside the processing time required 3-5 months, and the time domestic consignee registration certificate, generally six months to complete the difference: bearer certificates different foreign content above AQSIQ certificate above, will be clearly written on the type of waste, such as waste plastic, waste paper, but in the domestic consignee registration certificate of the above, only imports of units and the processing and utilization of the unit, did not indicate the specific type, then the domestic consignee registration certificate how to classify the type of the above it? The answer is that the above process and utilize what kind of waste can be processed, then we can apply the appropriate guarantee what kind of ring, what kind of waste that time will be able to import. Scrap metal and alloy scrap metal AQSIQ foreign supplier registration certificate mixed scrap metal overseas supplier enterprises AQSIQ AQSIQ registration certificate copper scrap AQSIQ license registration certificate qualification scrap iron oxide AQSIQ AQSIQ Central Inspection Business Services Ltd. Hangzhou Song superpower 15088680779 E-mail: scrap@aqsiqgov.com QQ1545507518 Skype: huanjian40 MSN: hjfw@outlook.com scrap metal imported from abroad, to be honest, as compared with the domestic scrap metal, not much of a price advantage, but the light from the quality look at this a little above, foreign scrap metal high purity, low inclusions, resulting in many domestic buyers are popular in Europe and other countries scrap metal, usually the most common is the import of scrap metal scrap copper and aluminum scrap. Scrap metal imports into cabinet loading or bulk, general waste and scrap are mounted cabinet, divided into large cabinet with small cabinet, a kind of iron and steel scrap, then only by boat bulk. For more information please click: http: //www.cntrades.com/b2b/song2014/ 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Hangzhou Central Inspection Business Services Ltd.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
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Contact Person: Mr. Song superpower()
Telephone Number: 0571-28972605
Company Address: Hangzhou, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang, China
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