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Cultivation Chuan early walnut seedlings, early sales of Sichuan walnut seedlings planted walnut seedlings early Chuan serves Sichuan early walnut seedlings, early walnut seedlings wholesale Sichuan

Cultivation Chuan early walnut seedlings, early sales of Sichuan walnut seedlings planted walnut seedlings early Chuan serves Sichuan early walnut seedlings, early walnut seedlings wholesale Sichuan
Cultivation Chuan early walnut seedlings, early sales of Sichuan walnut seedlings planted walnut seedlings early Chuan serves Sichuan early walnut seedlings, early walnut seedlings wholesale Sichuan
Cultivation Chuan early walnut seedlings, early sales of Sichuan walnut seedlings planted walnut seedlings early Chuan serves Sichuan early walnut seedlings, early walnut seedlings wholesale Sichuan

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Company:Four 川维尔路达 Technology Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Cultivation Chuan early walnut seedlings, early sales of Sichuan walnut seedlings planted walnut seedlings early Chuan serves Sichuan early walnut seedlings, early walnut seedlings wholesale Sichuan
Update Time:2015-04-28
Price Description: RMB/
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Sichuan walnut seedlings early, as early as the 2nd Sichuan walnut seedlings grafted walnut seedlings early Chuan Chuan early shell walnut seedlings, early walnut seedling production Chuan Chuan early walnut seedlings wholesale, Sichuan early walnut seedling prices, walnut seedlings early nurture Sichuan, sales River early walnut seedlings, planting early Sichuan walnut seedlings, early walnut seedlings Supply Sichuan, early walnut seedlings wholesale Sichuan, Sichuan walnut seedlings early purchase, Sichuan walnut seedlings early pictures I cultivated grafted walnut seedlings Sichuan early precocious female Xinjiang Juglans regia and late Walnut Hybrids 'cloud new 7926', male native of Ganzi walnut excellent 'River' River early walnuts more beautiful appearance, the crude protein content (21.93%> and shelling percentage (61.0%) higher, Excellent value of the goods, in February 2010 by the Approval Committee finds Ganzi Sichuan Province tree species Buy grafted walnut seedlings early, please contact: Manager Li 18084890327 Advisory QQ: 2853115753 I. River early walnut seedlings Main Characters: Tree stronger moderation , the natural growth of the state, one-year old saplings began branching 3-year-old tree height up to 2.5m above the 5-year-old plastic tree height of 3.4 meters. imparipinnate (even diluted), leaflets 5 to 10, top leaflet length 13.5cm, width 7.3cm, and side lobe similar size. Second, Chuan early fruit shell walnut side engraved shallow ditch, smooth, light color, flat top fruit, fruit-based dimpled, slightly protruding suture. The average fruit weight 12.1g, shell thickness 0.8mm, inner wall degradation, desirable the whole kernel; nucleolus relatively full, full, white, yellow, flavor size of the year having early high performance is not obvious, especially for short, dense, abundant cultivation mode 3. In early May germination, leaf expansion in late March, early April flowering fruit is late August to early September mature leaves in mid-November. vigorous growth of young trees, pumping branches strong, branches strong alma mater. 1 year bear fruit, three years into production, yielding five years later grafted walnut seedlings early Chuan, please contact: Manager Li 18084890327 Advisory QQ: 2853115753 Third, Sichuan early walnut seedlings suitable for Planting: mountains, hills and other regions of the basin, adaptable, adaptation a wide range. In less sunshine, air humidity regional development, flower bud differentiation of normal Altitude 1500m or less, loose and fertile soil, soil thickness 30-100cm above the soil pH 6.0-7.5. Fourth, Sichuan walnut seedlings early adaptation and strong resistance. anthracnose, black spot infection with a certain resistance. more resistant to drought. V. Chuan early walnut seedling cultivation techniques suitable for high density orchard planting spacing of 3m × 3m, fruit crop intercropping Suitable spacing of 4m × 5m or 4m × 5m, suitable tree for happy shape, when planting "three to fill a two-step raise seedlings," stampede tight stratification, a sufficient amount of root water Contact: Manager Li Phone: 18084890327 Advisory QQ: 2853115753 shell walnut grafting base: http: //blog.sina.com.cn/u/5409995566 Weierluda: www.htmjd.com 400 hotline: 400-6296-517 landline: 0816-2823820 Address : Sichuan Santai County in Mianyang City Yongming town Yonghong Village walnut seedlings Sichuan early, as early as the 2nd Sichuan walnut seedlings grafted walnut seedlings early Chuan Chuan early shell walnut seedlings, early walnut seedling production Chuan Chuan early walnut seedlings wholesale, Sichuan early walnut seedling prices, walnut seedling cultivation of Sichuan early, early sales of Sichuan walnut seedlings, planting early Sichuan walnut seedlings, early walnut seedlings Supply Sichuan, early walnut seedlings wholesale Sichuan, Sichuan walnut seedlings early purchase, Sichuan walnut seedlings early picture 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Four 川维尔路达 Technology Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Li()
Telephone Number: 0816-2823820
Company Address: Mianyang City, Sichuan Province Yonghong Sun Village Town Santai, Mianyang City, Sichuan, China
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