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Shandong, Beijing Xin Xi melon watermelon Market today the latest price

Shandong, Beijing Xin Xi melon watermelon Market today the latest price
Shandong, Beijing Xin Xi melon watermelon Market today the latest price
Shandong, Beijing Xin Xi melon watermelon Market today the latest price

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Company:Shandong fruits wholesale Origin
Information Name: Shandong, Beijing Xin Xi melon watermelon Market today the latest price
Update Time:2015-04-27
Specifications:7-15 pounds
Price Description: RMB/
Inquire Now
18265177888 Shandong acres of watermelon nectarine supply // Origin Shandong watermelon today the latest price quotes information // // offer real long-term credibility of the first // // hometown of Shandong watermelon title, the base of existing watermelon (Beijing 欣西 greenhouse melons Lu Qing watermelon, watermelon binary, unicorn watermelon, Karon watermelon, black Americans watermelon, melon Need 欣西 Beijing, Xinjiang CAF watermelon), nectarines (oil on the 5th, the oil on the 4th, the beginning of spring nectarine, nectarine purplish red beads Shuguang nectarine, nectarine brilliant light, etc.) are now a large number of listed acreage to 200 acres. Because of the unique resources of our land and water, warm climate, rich with minerals. And using traditional cultivation techniques and modern cultivation techniques combined. Planting out yishui watermelon, nectarines yishui its features are: large head, looks bright attractive skin color green, stripes neat, precocious, thin, juicy red flesh, heart sugar 13 degrees, the gradient is small, with a small amount fiber, sweet honey sweet cool. Is suitable for people of all ages can safely eat pure pollution-free fruit. Has a slimming beauty longevity effect. We provide professional services, loading, fruit selection, packaging, food and accommodation, distribution and other train services.
Contact Detail
Company Name: Shandong fruits wholesale Origin
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Zhou Litao()
Telephone Number: 0539-2301766
Company Address: Yishui County, Linyi City, Shandong Province, Linyi City, Shandong Province, China
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