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pp pipe fittings, Pingshan pp, Gary trade

pp pipe fittings, Pingshan pp, Gary trade
pp pipe fittings, Pingshan pp, Gary trade
pp pipe fittings, Pingshan pp, Gary trade

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Company:Gary Ltd. of Shenzhen City
Information Name: pp pipe fittings, Pingshan pp, Gary trade
Update Time:2015-04-27
Price Description: RMB/
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Cooling in the mold, cooled in different ways, the most common is by water cooling. In addition pp pipe fittings, insulation boards can also cool. Typically, the heat transfer medium is water and oil. Design principles are described below mold cooling water of the most widely used in the cooling water, the first to introduce the precautions waterway design. Tips from the edge of the cavity is larger than the outer diameter of the waterway 1,001,111 is not to say the bigger the better. Generally, the farther away from the cavity waterway, its cooling effect worse pp, if too close, they can not guarantee the strength of the mold, for controlling the distance between 10-20 is more reasonable. When the cavity is deep, can be "reservoir" way cool. Usually part of the processing required cooling sank the first hole, separated by copper between holes, "reservoir" diameter 4 take 12,16,18,20 pp retardant masterbatch, the specific size according to the actual situation. Door) when it comes to the type of thin and deep core, if not be cooled by conventional cooling methods, consider using heat rods to cool them. Placed in the core in an elongated radiating rod pp, so that the bottom of the cooling rod has enough space to store the coolant, Figure 4 refers to the storage space. Only Team 611 \ 16 flood wildfire Chinese version 5 knife ten [sub model training base and surface sample from X 6.0 system out of the top surface of the top of the system is the final link in mold opening, as well as after the plastic injection molding from the cavity top of the action. Ejection system design is reasonable or not is a key determinant of product quality. pp pipe fittings, Pingshan pp, Gary Paffett trade provided by the Shenzhen Municipal Trade Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Gary Ltd. (www.pft-trading.com) strong, credible, in Shenzhen, Guangdong engineering plastics industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving innovative ideas will lead Paffett trade and you hand into the brilliant, for a better future! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Gary Ltd. of Shenzhen City
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. YANG Chao()
Telephone Number: 0755-66803241
Company Address: China South City Shenzhen Pinghu plastic M20 Building a wholesale shop -109, Shenzhen City, Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code: 518000
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