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25 tons fiberglass tanks fiberglass tanks Qitaihe manufacturers _ _ Dafeng tank factory

25 tons fiberglass tanks fiberglass tanks Qitaihe manufacturers _ _ Dafeng tank factory
25 tons fiberglass tanks fiberglass tanks Qitaihe manufacturers _ _ Dafeng tank factory
25 tons fiberglass tanks fiberglass tanks Qitaihe manufacturers _ _ Dafeng tank factory

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Company:Texas Dafeng FRP Products Co.
Information Name: 25 tons fiberglass tanks fiberglass tanks Qitaihe manufacturers _ _ Dafeng tank factory
Update Time:2015-04-27
Price Description: RMB/
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SMC fiberglass tanks tank installation are looking for ways and means in accordance with instructions printed on No. SMC water tank on the list, arranged to connect the tank bottom, while adding sealing strip between the veneer sheets, with 10 of the 22 tons of glass bolted steel tank manufacturer so that the bottom seal securely to a uniform bolt afterburner afterburner 24 tons of glass steel water tank manufacturers, each bolt afterburner 3-4 times, not a one-time use excessive force, or because of uneven force caused by the phenomenon of split board. Connecting channel with a fixed angle iron plate and make SMC water tank in the box more firmly fixed channel basis. Fiberglass tanks that the length of the useful life of the procurement of the tank material, the thickness of installation, where the environment and other equipment used in the process selection and maintenance. Due to external factors involving many people, it is not prescribed by the standard number of years. Fiberglass tanks due to water tank is made of fiberglass, so it has a high strength, corrosion-resistant benefits, it not only as a general tank 25 tons of glass steel water tank manufacturers, but also an ideal corrosion-resistant containers fiberglass tanks manufacturers, smc fiberglass tanks points insulation and not two kinds of insulation, polyurethane foam insulation materials, insulation thickness below 15T capacity of 5cm, 15T or more insulation thickness of 7cm. Good insulation properties of FRP tanks is not good, mainly that the thickness of the insulation, fiberglass tanks of length of life, mainly by the quality of the insulation material and decisions. 25 tons of glass steel water tank factory _ Qitaihe fiberglass tanks tank provided by the manufacturers _ Dafeng Dafeng FRP Products Co., Texas. Texas Dafeng FRP Products Co. (www.sddfsx.com) (www.sddfsx.com) strong, credible, in Dezhou's drinking water treatment equipment industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving innovative ideas will lead Dafeng tank and you hand into the brilliant, for a better future! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Texas Dafeng FRP Products Co.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Shijing Li()
Telephone Number: 0534-5076996
Company Address: Dezhou, Shandong Province, Lu right Tuen Industrial Park, Germany City, Shandong Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 253308
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