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Guitar suppliers, Jinzhong Ji him Songyin musical instruments

Guitar suppliers, Jinzhong Ji him Songyin musical instruments
Guitar suppliers, Jinzhong Ji him Songyin musical instruments
Guitar suppliers, Jinzhong Ji him Songyin musical instruments

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Company:Yingze Songyin musical instruments
Information Name: Guitar suppliers, Jinzhong Ji him Songyin musical instruments
Update Time:2015-04-27
Price Description: RMB/
Inquire Now
 Songyin Tidbits: Guitar (Italian: Chitarra), also translated as the guitar or guitar. Is a plucked string instrument guitar brands, usually with six strings, violin shape similar. Guitar pop, rock, blues, folk, flamenco, and is often regarded as the main instrument. In the field of classical music in guitar suppliers, often guitar solo or duo performances of the type; of course, in chamber music and orchestral music, the guitar also plays a considerable role in foil. Classical guitar and violin, piano tied for the world famous three instruments.松吟 Tips: In the thirteenth century Spain, Spanish Persian word gradually evolved from guitar to guitar quote has been formed at that time a wide variety of musical instruments, there have been "Margi he" and "him 拉丁吉" . Margi piano which he oval back body swelled, metal string guitar, playing style more rugged; Lading Ji piano body for his guitar like modern-eight flat structure, use gut strings, elegant style. Guitar suppliers, 晋中吉 him 松吟 musical instruments provided by Yingze 松吟 instrument line. Yingze 松吟 musical instruments (www.tysyyq.com) (www.tysyyq.com) strong, credible, in Taiyuan, Shanxi education, training and other industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving innovative ideas will lead Songyin instrument line and you work into the brilliant, for a better future! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Yingze Songyin musical instruments
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Contact Person: Mr. Segment teacher()
Telephone Number: 0351-2557095
Company Address: Shanxi Yingze District Youth Road East, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China
Zip/Postal Code: 030000
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