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Guiyang television advertising prices {ad} Arran

Guiyang television advertising prices {ad} Arran
Guiyang television advertising prices {ad} Arran
Guiyang television advertising prices {ad} Arran

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Company:Arran Advertising Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch
Information Name: Guiyang television advertising prices {ad} Arran
Update Time:2015-04-27
Price Description: RMB/
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Guiyang television advertising prices {ad} Arran Arran Shanghai Advertising Co., Ltd.] Contact: Pangjing Li Tel: 021-61481386 QQ: 401286581 Mobile: 13918956109 at 19:30 on April 25, will face the same Moutai Derby Lane in southwest Chongqing Lifan ailing Moutai coach 朱炯希 hope to have more fans and friends came to the scene to cheer for the team, and has been the visiting team defender Sun Jihai former captain said Moutai very excited to return to Guizhou, but they will make every effort to win a new owner. Zhu Jiong First, said: "Over the last two games, our content and increased self-confidence, but also hope to morale and team spirit manifested in tomorrow's game tomorrow, I hope more fans to cheer the scene for us, we will do. effort to win the game tomorrow, "Today's press conference, Zhu Jiong bring a very young Chongqing membership Cao Jing, CAO before competing in the race and had to play when Sainty, he said:." Super League is the highest level rhythm soon, I will try to grab the spell. "When a reporter asked whether Zhu Jiong Cao Jing will debut tomorrow, the Zhu Jiong replied:." everyone has the potential to play "before the press conference later in the visiting team. today's main event, as the head coach Wang Baoshan Sun Jihai brought a few months ago Moutai captain, Wang Baoshan, said: "Super League has been no easy games, opponents are strong Guizhou and the team has. Two years ago the results obtained in the league is quite good, we are also on the team very seriously, for tomorrow's race tactics also made full preparations. We just need to own this one is ready to do himself. "The main agents do: the municipal and national media than newspaper ads, TV commercials, national weekly magazines, all kinds of soft, radio advertising. Providing customers with one-stop media choice ----- customers traveling to maximize the elimination of trouble; to provide customers with a package of media plans ----- minimize customer time and cost negotiation; wholesale customers style at discounted prices ----- minimize customer's media release costs; provide customers with high effectiveness of investment programs ------ broadcast advertising clients minimize waste; Shanghai Grand Tower Advertising Co., agent National newspapers, TV commercials, film and television program planning, production, distribution, packaging and promotion, television commercials, corporate feature film production services, integrated media agency, enterprise CIS planning, implementation EVENT event planning event planning, SP, subtitles, special crown name, patch, subscript, seconds strong advertising agent. Strong agent, Anhui, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Shenzhen, Ningxia, Jiangsu, Hubei, Shanghai, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Henan Province TV Advertising Co., Ltd. [Shanghai] Arran Contact: Pangjing Li Tel: 021-61481386 QQ: 401286581 Mobile: 13918956109 Address: Room 2205 Golden Elephant Tower Road, Hongkou District, the 9th Huachang matter what industry you are, as long as you have the demand, we will be according to your requirements tailored to your Guiyang television advertising prices {ad} Arran
Contact Detail
Company Name: Arran Advertising Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Persky()
Telephone Number: 021-61481386
Company Address: Huachang Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai No.9 Golden Elephant Building Room 2205, Shanghai, Shanghai, China
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