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Body Composition Analyzer - seven kinds of fruit make you get rid of belly fat

Body Composition Analyzer - seven kinds of fruit make you get rid of belly fat
Body Composition Analyzer - seven kinds of fruit make you get rid of belly fat
Body Composition Analyzer - seven kinds of fruit make you get rid of belly fat

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Company:Sinai Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd., Shandong Province
Information Name: Body Composition Analyzer - seven kinds of fruit make you get rid of belly fat
Update Time:2015-04-27
Price Description: RMB/
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Sinai electronics from the United States at Mount Sinai Medical Center, has a research and development center in Singapore, Asia-Pacific, the company is based on medical research, dedicated to high-end medical research and development. In mainland China, has Sinai Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd. and a number of production companies reached a strategic cooperation. GE and Philips, Siemens and other international medical companies in parallel, to serve China's basic medical career development and popularization. 24 hours berserk hotline: 400-0062-615 Website: www.xinaisenpu.com E-mail: 483936939@qq.com 1, Apple as early as several years ago, there is a set of tailor-made artificial apples thin Raiders, also boom has caused a burst of apple diet! In fact Apple is indeed the best fruit to lose weight, it is rich in pectin, can help the intestines to do with the garbage impurities combine to accelerate the detoxification and reduce heat absorption, in addition to Apple's also much potassium can prevent leg edema. Slowly chewing a bit of hardness Apple will release the ingredients, not only a sense of satiety, and calories is not high. 2. Grapefruit acid can help increase digestive juice, thereby promoting digestive function, but also easily absorbed nutrients. Also why the grapefruit diet will also be listed when one will eat the fruit, because it is rich in vitamin C, there are about 100 milligrams a grapefruit, not only can eliminate fatigue, but also beautify the skin! Important is it less sugary, diet eating to supplement vitamin C, but the best. As many girls are afraid of heavy sour, it is recommended that you can drop a little honey on the grapefruit, sour can be neutralized. 3, strictly speaking, tomatoes, tomatoes should be classified as a vegetable it right now! So often see it in the ingredients. Tomatoes contain lycopene, dietary fiber and pectin components can reduce calorie intake, promote gastrointestinal motility. Unique sour and can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, and even improve the taste of the food is good food and healthy ingredients too. 4. Have you ever heard people say pineapple pineapple is "profit", be sure to eat before a meal will not Shang Wei's argument. But this argument has credentials! Because of proteolytic enzymes pineapple quite strong, although the meat protein digestion can help, but if you eat before a meal, it is likely to cause stomach hurt! Therefore, the use of weight-loss eating pineapple must pay attention to a matter of time. 5, bananas get out of the girls will be going to the toilet proposal, bananas Give it a try! Because bananas are rich in dietary fiber, vitamin A, potassium, etc., so there are great intestines, strengthen muscles, it features soft diuretic. For often constipation, dry skin crush, this is thin, beautiful models beauty magic! In addition to carbohydrate-based ingredients bananas, you can eat immediately after digestion, quickly add strength. And the banana is very satiety, as long as you can eat a belly wrap and heat quite low calories, but not eating fasting. 6, kiwi vitamin C over many kiwi (kiwi), has been a favorite of the girls. As it is the highest among the fruits of dietary fiber and rich in potassium, it can indeed be included within the thin fruit leaderboard! And, like pineapple, kiwi are also plenty of proteolytic enzymes and meat dishes with it is the best thing. A little sweet and sour taste of kiwi, to prevent constipation, helps digestion, beautify skin strange effect, it also all the year round, it is recommended that girls can eat! 7, lemon sour citric acid is mainly to promote the energy metabolism of citric acid is necessary to participate in the process of the material, but also the function of fatigue. Vitamin C content of lemon is also well known and more, girls are usually brought it whiten skin, it promotes bowel motility functions are often lose weight as an adjunct to diet in people with! 
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Company Name: Sinai Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd., Shandong Province
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Contact Person: Mr. Quchun Qing()
Telephone Number: 400-0062-615
Company Address: South Lake Street, Taishan District, Taian City, Shandong Province, China
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