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TCM directed through drug therapy and heart-shaped instrument * * just look at you

TCM directed through drug therapy and heart-shaped instrument * * just look at you
TCM directed through drug therapy and heart-shaped instrument * * just look at you
TCM directed through drug therapy and heart-shaped instrument * * just look at you

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Company:Wise Link Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., Henan
Information Name: TCM directed through drug therapy and heart-shaped instrument * * just look at you
Update Time:2015-04-27
Specifications:1054mm * 510mm * 520mm
Price Description: RMB/
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TCM directed through drug therapy and heart-shaped instrument * * just look at you through the orientation of TCM drug treatment instrument; blue and white colors designed to meet the hospital scene. Operation is simple, just a few minutes, everyone will use. Chinese medicine through targeted drug therapy instrument; hospital usage rate, government reimbursement. More charges, hospital recovering fast. Patients do not pay, hospitals make money, it is now a good project. Chinese medicine through targeted drug therapy instrument; to be more incentives, come join us, are you a lifetime of income items. TCM directed through drug therapy and heart-shaped instrument * * just look at you through the orientation of TCM drug treatment instrument; in microcomputer intelligent control, electric pulse drug or drug-charged ions from the corresponding electrode into the skin painlessly: First through the stratum corneum and epidermis into the dermis is the capillary absorption; the second is absorbed through the skin appendages that penetrate the skin through hair follicles, sebaceous glands and sweat glands, while stimulating the dermis rich in nerve endings so that expansion or contraction, accelerate drug percutaneous penetration, increasing drug ions per unit time or the amount of the charge with the penetration of drugs; the third is electricity seepage; four electric field induced increase skin permeability. In medicine through directional instrument to promote and guide the drug to the skin directly directionally from the skin, tissue-related site. Suitable for percutaneous drug therapy and physical therapy import penetration of bone and joint disease. TCM directed through drug therapy and heart-shaped instrument * * just look at you Scope: Applies to: frozen shoulder, narrow tenosynovitis, muscle tissue inflammation, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, annex inflammation, tennis elbow (Tennis elbow) , arthritis, neuritis, partial loss of neuromuscular recovery, low back pain, lumbar disc herniation, neuralgia, cervical spondylosis, peripheral nerve injury, soft tissue contusion, loss of muscle atrophy, ptosis, flaccid constipation, injection After sclerosis, paralysis recovery, hematoma, post-inflammatory sclerosis, delayed fracture healing, adjuvant treatment of postoperative adhesions, adhesions, keloids. TCM directed through drug therapy and heart-shaped instrument * * just look at you main technical parameters. Power: AC220V, 50Hz. 2. Input power: 66VA + 10%. 3. Dimensions: 475mm × 501mm × 1050mm TCM directed through drug therapy and heart-shaped instrument * * just look at you 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Wise Link Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., Henan
Employee Number:
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Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Han Tianyao()
Telephone Number: 0371-86082800
Company Address: Tube City Dongming Road and City Road River Business Building Room 312, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 450000
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