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Spot supply a large number of high quality dust bag

Spot supply a large number of high quality dust bag
Spot supply a large number of high quality dust bag
Spot supply a large number of high quality dust bag

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Company:Environmental Protection Equipment Engineering Co., Ltd..
Information Name: Spot supply a large number of high quality dust bag
Update Time:2015-04-24
Price Description: RMB/
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I I plant annual production of high-quality filter dust bag, customers are welcome to inquire. Dust or dust removal equipment is to be separated from the flue gases out of the device. The baghouse dust collector filter is also known, is a highly efficient dry dust collector, which is produced by the use of fiber knit bag filter dust collector components to capture dust and gas in the solid particles. Its principle is to bypass the filter cloth fiber dust when inertial force due to collisions with the fibers being *. By processing methods can be divided into woven filter dust bag, non-woven composite filter media dust bag and dust bag three. 1, a woven filter dust bag: the mutually vertically aligned with loom warp and weft yarns, according to a certain organization of the woven filter, indicated with the letter W; 2, non-woven filter sets Dust bag: without general spinning and weaving process, directly into a network of fibers or yarns into layers, interleave, filter sheet bonding, needling, melt blown or spun made, and the letters NW composite processing methods specific letter code representing the composition; 3, the composite filter dust bag: made of two or more methods or more composite materials made of dust bag filter, with the letter C. Features bag fabrics and design should be the pursuit of high efficiency filter, easy to peel off the dust and durable effect. 1. Capillaries suction bag by pre-filtration layer, the primary filtration layer and screen cover three parts. Is designed to effectively absorb the liquid fat and design. Filter material porosity up to 80%, greatly improving the life of the product. Oil absorption bag itself up to 12 to 20 times the weight (specifically due to fluid and oil properties, flow rate varies) 2. Absolute precision seamless bag made of pure polypropylene meltblown hot forming capillary fiber. To thicken the outer layer of the deep filtration material to provide a layered filter; inner sleeve large diameter filter to further enhance the overall depth filtration, increase capacity to accommodate impurities. The average service life of more than five times the ordinary polypropylene bag. Highest filtering accuracy 3um. Collar ring is a plastic ring. 3. Mesh bag for the election materials single mesh nylon, polyester single mesh, multi-strand polypropylene mesh. Highest Accuracy 20um filter characteristics: absolute filtration precision, high toughness, resistance to damage, no fiber free, can be used repeatedly. Works is a dry bag filter dust collector, which applies to capture small, dry non-fibrous dust. Bag is made using a felt cloth or non-woven textiles, the use of fabric filtration of dust gas filter when the dusty gas entering the fabric filter, large particles, heavy dust, settling due to gravity down, fall into the hopper, finer dust containing gas through the filter, the dust is retained, the gas purification. Most of the new filter collection efficiency is not high enough. After the media for some time, due to sieving, collision, retention, diffusion, electrostatic and other effects, the bag surface layer of accumulated dust, this layer is called the primary layer of dust in the subsequent course of the campaign, became the primary layer filter the main filter layer, relying on the role of the primary layer, the larger mesh filter can be obtained a high filtration efficiency. With dust accumulated in the filter surface, filter efficiency and resistance increases correspondingly, when the pressure differential across the filter is large, will some tiny dust particles adhering on the filter in the squeeze past, precipitator efficiency. In addition, the resistance is too high dust significantly decreased the amount of wind dust removal system. Therefore, dust resistance reaches a certain value, to timely cleaning. When cleaning the primary layer can not be destroyed, so as not to decrease the efficiency. Baghouse structure mainly from the upper box, part of the central box, lower box (hopper), cleaning systems and ash institutions. Baghouse performance is good or bad, in addition to the correct choice of materials outside the bag, bag filter cleaning system plays a decisive role. To this end, the cleaning method is one of the distinguishing characteristics of baghouse, it is important also baghouse running ring. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Environmental Protection Equipment Engineering Co., Ltd..
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Contact Person: Mr. Liu()
Telephone Number: 0317——8260266
Company Address: botoushisiyingkaifaqu, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province, China
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