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Nanyang decoration company | Nanyang decorative | Nanyang dedicated, professional decoration company
Nanyang decoration company | Nanyang decorative | Nanyang dedicated, professional decoration company
Nanyang decoration company | Nanyang decorative | Nanyang dedicated, professional decoration company

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Company:Nanyang City, Xu Hui Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Nanyang decoration company | Nanyang decorative | Nanyang dedicated, professional decoration company
Update Time:2015-04-24
Price Description: RMB/
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The top surface of the top surface decoration is an important part of interior decoration, but also the interior decoration of the richest changes, attractive interface, its strong sense of perspective, through different processes, together with the lighting design can enhance the appeal of the space, so Nanyang top surface modeling colorful decoration price, novel appearance. Design in the form of the top surface of the following five kinds: (1) formation Ceilings. This simple structure Nanyang ceiling decoration company phone, simple and elegant appearance, convenient decoration, suitable for classrooms, offices, exhibition halls, etc., its artistic appeal from the top surface of the shape, texture and organic configuration, pattern and fixtures; (2) Ceilings bump. This roof shape 华美富 Lai, stereoscopic, suitable for ballroom, restaurant, lobby and other decorative Nanyang latest price, pay attention to the relationship between primary and secondary relationships and height of each bump layer, not change much Nanyang decoration, to emphasize their own rhythm artistic sense and overall space; (3) a suspended ceiling. Roof bearing structure below the various flaps hanging, flat or other forms of the ceiling, which is often in order to meet the top acoustics, lighting and other requirements or to pursue some special decorative effect, gives rise to special beauty and fun ; (4) wells ceiling format. It is a combination of the beam structure, the relationship between the primary and secondary beams and cross beam of the cross, with a plaster ceiling lamps and floral patterns, simple and generous, strong sense of rhythm; (5) the glass ceiling. Modern hall large public buildings, shops and other commonly used in this form, mainly to solve the large green space and indoor lighting needs, so that the indoor environment more rich in natural taste, increase the vitality of the large space. Generally in the form of a dome-shaped, tapered and broken line. Nanyang decoration company | Nanyang decorative | Nanyang dedicated, professional decoration company Limited by Nanyang City, Xu Hui decorative works. Nanyang City, Xu Hui Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. (www.nyxhzs.com) (www.nyxhds.com) strong, credible, Nanyang in Henan construction industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving innovative ideas will lead Xu Hui decorated and you hand into the brilliant, for a better future! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Nanyang City, Xu Hui Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Liu()
Telephone Number: 0377-63699888
Company Address: Nanyang City, 196 Station Road (Station Road and Bayi Road intersection), Nanyang City, Henan Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 473003
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