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Water filter company phone _ _ water purification filter cartridge purchase

Water filter company phone _ _ water purification filter cartridge purchase
Water filter company phone _ _ water purification filter cartridge purchase
Water filter company phone _ _ water purification filter cartridge purchase

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Company:Toki North General Water Technology (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Water filter company phone _ _ water purification filter cartridge purchase
Update Time:2015-04-24
Price Description: RMB/
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 GE Japan Corporation (Chinese name: Japanese General Technology Co., Ltd.) was established in 1988. The production of household water purifiers, medical and industrial water purifier filter high-tech enterprises. Japanese companies use the latest technology into GM's new composite molding technology to produce an annual water filter over 800 million, the market share in Japan first. After years of research, the company has invented a water filter technology in the most difficult of nuclear power waste treatment technology, it is Japan's only nuclear power to produce the waste water treatment filter of high technology enterprises. Inner filter surface drum vacuum filter is suitable for filtering solid particles suspension of uneven thickness, no mixing apparatus, low cost water purification filter effect of the machine, to adapt the feed concentration changes water filter, if desired at elevated temperature operation, it is easy to take insulation measures. The disadvantage is that the drum surface can not take full advantage of water purification filter list, the filter cake requires a certain viscosity, or prone to flake off, vacuum reduction, the feed flow changes; replacement filter cloth difficult. GE Japan Corporation (Chinese name: Japanese General Technology Co., Ltd.) was established in 1988. The production of household water purifiers, medical and industrial water purifier filter high-tech enterprises. Japanese companies use the latest technology into GM's new composite molding technology to produce an annual water filter over 800 million, the market share in Japan first. After years of research, the company has invented a water filter technology in the most difficult of nuclear power waste treatment technology, it is Japan's only nuclear power to produce the waste water treatment filter of high technology enterprises. Filter by disc vacuum filter unit area considered very lowest price, small footprint, but the humidity is higher than the cake drum vacuum filter. Because the filter surface is vertical, cake uneven thickness, easy to crack, easy to wash, thin cake discharge difficult, fast cloth wear, and easy to plug. Settling velocity is not easy to handle, easy to filter material is not suitable for handling non-adhesive material, the application range of the same drum vacuum filter. Rotary vacuum filter filtration equipment simple chemical structure, good washing effect, washing liquid and the filtrate was separated from the slurry for dehydration fast, single filter processing large water filter company phone, the disadvantage is that large area, cloth wear fast, and easy to plug. GE Japan Corporation (Chinese name: Japanese General Technology Co., Ltd.) was established in 1988. The production of household water purifiers, medical and industrial water purifier filter high-tech enterprises. Japanese companies use the latest technology into GM's new composite molding technology to produce an annual water filter over 800 million, the market share in Japan first. Filter performance test-bed for the above, this test bed before the test should be strict purification system, so the test systems and test systems for contaminated injection system services are to be equipped with a filter, which filters and being tested in the Filters are two different things children, its accuracy, dirt capacity of the filter requirements than are high precision test, the same test for the difference between the two types of filter systems, such filters called test-bed filter is Test filters were tried called filter. Water filter water filter _ _ Phone purchase water filters provided by the Northern Qi universal water purification technology (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. Northern Qi universal water purification technology (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. (getechno-cn.com) (www.qbtyjs.com) strong, credible, in Xiamen, Fujian water purifier industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving innovative ideas will lead the common water into the brilliant technology and you work for a better future! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Toki North General Water Technology (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Ada()
Telephone Number: 0592-7687096
Company Address: Xiang Yue Road, Xiamen Torch Hi-tech Zone (Xiang) Industrial District No. 4 of 16, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 361000
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