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Walnut seedlings, walnut seedlings Zigong, Zigong walnut seedlings prices

Walnut seedlings, walnut seedlings Zigong, Zigong walnut seedlings prices
Walnut seedlings, walnut seedlings Zigong, Zigong walnut seedlings prices
Walnut seedlings, walnut seedlings Zigong, Zigong walnut seedlings prices

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Company:Four 川维尔路达 Technology Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Walnut seedlings, walnut seedlings Zigong, Zigong walnut seedlings prices
Update Time:2015-04-23
Specifications:30 cm
Price Description: RMB/
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Walnut seedlings, walnut seedlings Zigong, Zigong walnut seedlings Price went to the best time for planting walnut seedlings, my long-term sales of high-quality walnut seedlings grafted walnut seedlings, many early walnut seedlings, varieties, such as: 8518 walnut seedlings, Hong Ling walnut seedlings, Juglans walnut seedlings, middle peasants spur walnut seedlings, Liao nuclear family. Belong to varieties. Can yield up to 3 years, 5 years abound. Walnut seedlings grafted into the rich period after acre of land yields can reach about 600-800 pounds. If you have management in place, under the premise of water and fertilizer conditions, can yield extremely heavy too! Now grafted walnut seedlings early fruit varieties in the market popular with everyone welcome, with its superior precocious and the excellent quality fruit, many people would be included in the planting project. And one of the most popular varieties of walnut seedlings 8518, it is among the best. The main characteristics are: adaptability, within the scope of the country can grow most of the good performance of cold and drought. High yield, if the average yield of an acre of land is about 800-1000 pounds. Good quality dried fruit, thin shell, closing pinching that is broken. Kernel rate can reach 70%. And the oil is high, taste particularly good. Walnut seedlings is also very simple, in Sichuan, known here as "lazy tree" shows its management does not take much effort to. In addition to the annual weeding, fertilizing, pruning basic management, you do not need to spend much energy. The company walnut seedlings in Sichuan Mianyang City, welcome people with lofty ideals to the company reference walnut seedlings. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Four 川维尔路达 Technology Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
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Contact Person: Mr. Wang(Account Manager)
Telephone Number: 0816-2823820
Company Address: Santai County Yonghong Sun Village town, Mianyang City, Sichuan, China
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