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Guangzhou Maotai liquor manufacturers of high-end, high-end liquor Maotai factory, officiating Wine

Guangzhou Maotai liquor manufacturers of high-end, high-end liquor Maotai factory, officiating Wine
Guangzhou Maotai liquor manufacturers of high-end, high-end liquor Maotai factory, officiating Wine
Guangzhou Maotai liquor manufacturers of high-end, high-end liquor Maotai factory, officiating Wine

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Company:Guangzhou officiating liquor limited liability company
Information Name: Guangzhou Maotai liquor manufacturers of high-end, high-end liquor Maotai factory, officiating Wine
Update Time:2015-04-23
Price Description: RMB/
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 Guangzhou officiating Wine Co., Ltd. is a professional Maotai liquor production, research and development, sales as one of the modern wine business. Production of high quality Maotai liquor, Maotai liquor Maotai Town more than 5000 tons, now Maotai liquor for the National Merchants, welcomed the Advisory! Wine officiating tell you Chinese wine culture in China China is the kingdom of wine. Wine, shape thousands, color scene; as much yield varieties of abundance, are called the highest in the world. China is also a paradise for wine person, to no north or south, people irrespective of ages, drinking style, after several years without failure. China is the wine culture heyday to quality grade liquor Maotai factory, drinking far more than the physiologic significance of consumption, far more than the diet of music; in many cases, it is as a cultural symbol, a culture of consumption, with to represent one of manners, an atmosphere of an interest, a state of mind; wine and poetry, since it forged a bond. Moreover, China not only gives many wines to enjoy the beauty of high-end liquor Maotai factory cheap, and gives a beautiful inspiration and strength inspired; each development wines, all inclusive generations to explore the struggle of workers Maotai liquor manufacturers of high-end, heroically, so wine spirit and national pride forged, closely connected with the dauntless spirit. This is the soul of the nation's wine! European advertised "Dionysus", says even par. Seems to think that with wines, Chinese restaurant was able to boast the world's sublime food culture. Guangzhou officiating Wine Co., Ltd. is a professional Maotai liquor production, research and development, sales as one of the modern wine business. Production of high quality Maotai liquor, Maotai liquor Maotai Town more than 5000 tons, now Maotai liquor for the National Merchants, welcomed the Advisory! Chinese drinking customs in the South, "the daughter of wine", the earliest records of Jin Han Ji book "Southern grass-like," said her daughter was life under the South a few years old, began brewing, causing the drink, buried in the bottom of the pond, to be Remove only daughter married for the guests to drink. This wine has been handed down in Shaoxing Maotai liquor manufacturers of high-end brand suppliers, the development of the famous "yellow wine", there was no significant difference in the quality of its wine and general Shaoxing, mainly installed unique wine jar, which jars When the soil is still bad, it carved on a variety of floral patterns, figures of animals and birds, landscapes pavilions, until his daughter married, remove the jars, please painter with paint to draw "a hundred plays," such as "Eight Immortals", "Dragon was Xiang "," Moon ", etc., and with luck, Elixir of Love" luck. " Wine officiating tell you drink liquor Precautions Avoid drinking Finger Guessing Game. Guessing Game is due to drinking a cup, eating, while loud clamor and even laughter, so it is possible to make the food into the trachea or nasal cavity, causing choking, sneezing or tears and so on. Guessing Game loser penalty drinking alcohol, drinking more than those dizziness, confusion, easier to transport the wine, resulting in excessive drinking, drunk emergence of various phenomena. The toxic effects of alcohol harmful components, will be detrimental to health. Therefore, you should avoid drinking Finger Guessing Game. Guangzhou Maotai liquor manufacturers of high-end, high-end liquor Maotai factory, officiating Wines provided by the Guangzhou Municipal officiating liquor limited liability company. Guangzhou officiating liquor limited liability company (www.mzjy.com.cn) strong, credible, in Guangzhou's liquor industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improve officiating innovative ideas will lead into the brilliant wine and you work for a better future! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Guangzhou officiating liquor limited liability company
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Wong()
Telephone Number: 020-62700328
Company Address: Guangzhou Zengcheng dongkeng three Henglu 51, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code: 510000
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