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Seedbed grid, seedbed net, Unnamed screen

Seedbed grid, seedbed net, Unnamed screen
Seedbed grid, seedbed net, Unnamed screen
Seedbed grid, seedbed net, Unnamed screen

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Company:Unnamed Anping Wire Mesh Products Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Seedbed grid, seedbed net, Unnamed screen
Update Time:2015-04-23
Price Description: RMB/
Inquire Now
 What are the seedbed net, Unnamed Anping wire mesh Co., Ltd. manufactures products seedbed seedbed net price, beds, bed nets, fixed bed net greenhouse seedbed net. Seedbed common feature a variety of production: 1, galvanized beautiful low cost; 2, galvanized beautiful thick galvanized corrosion resistance ideal for greenhouse environment; 3, galvanized + electrostatic spray looks beautiful double corrosion affordable; 4. Dip the appearance of the most beautiful hot corrosion resistance is particularly suitable for hot and humid environment greenhouse. 5, welded stainless steel bright wire, never rust, the higher cost. Unnamed Anping wire mesh companies choose to move nursery seedbed system Plug Precautions mobile nursery seedbed system selects a Plug precautions, plug the pore size. Trays of different sizes because of the hole diameter seedbed network, the number of holes have 18-800 points range. Sterile medium and small seedlings to plug holes more economical 128-288. Begonias, impatiens and other potted flowers nursery seedbed grid, should choose the larger diameter hole plug; and deep-rooted larkspur and some vegetable crops seedbed network uses, it is desirable to select the plug hole deeper hole. Second, the shape of the hole hole. There are square and round, square hole hole matrix contained more general than the circular hole hole about 30%, water distribution 亦较 uniform seedling root development more fully. Third, plug the manufacturing materials. There are polystyrene foam polystyrene film. Ornamental plant nursery general use polystyrene dish, vegetable seedling tray available polystyrene foam membrane. Fourth, the plug color. Plug color will affect seedling root temperature. White polystyrene foam tray reflective film is better, and more for the summer and early autumn breeding, in order to facilitate the reflection of light, reducing heat build-root seedlings. The winter and spring, choose black trays, because extinction is good, the seedling root development benefit. V. Plug reuse. Plug should be thoroughly cleaned before re-use, and quaternary ammonium salts with a special disinfectant treatment to prevent root rot bacteria breeding. For easy to melt at high temperatures, high-density polystyrene foam membrane disc, consider using steam sterilization law, but to completely dry before using again. For thinner texture plug, re-use should not be more than three times the number of times to prevent breakage and leakage, leakage matrix. Seedbed grid, seedbed net, Unnamed Unnamed screen provided by Anping Wire Mesh Products Co., Ltd. Unnamed Anping Wire Mesh Products Co., Ltd. (www.weimingsiwang.com/) strong, credible, Hebei Hengshui wire mesh industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving innovative ideas will lead Unnamed screen and you hand into the brilliant, for a better future! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Unnamed Anping Wire Mesh Products Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Bow manager()
Telephone Number: 0318-7869766
Company Address: Dong Huang Anping, Hengshui City, south of the village at 260 m, Hengshui City, Hebei Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 053600
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