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opp bag factory, opp bags, plastic bags Jiajun

opp bag factory, opp bags, plastic bags Jiajun
opp bag factory, opp bags, plastic bags Jiajun
opp bag factory, opp bags, plastic bags Jiajun

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Company:Jiajun plastic bag factory
Information Name: opp bag factory, opp bags, plastic bags Jiajun
Update Time:2015-04-22
Price Description: RMB/
Inquire Now
 Jiajun plastic bag factory in Yiwu wholesale preferred opp bags offer, many years specializing in the production of plastic bags, affordable, quality assurance, praised by customers. Uses and characteristics of the device with dual frequency control, you can save energy, this unit extruder barrel and screw are made of high quality alloy steel, tight nitrogen treatment and precision machining, with the best hardness and corrosion resistance screw specially designed high yield, good plasticization. Suitable for blowing low density polyethylene linear low density polyethylene film opp plastic bag factory, widely used in food, clothing, garbage bags, ziplock and other consumer and industrial packaging. Jiajun plastic bag factory in Yiwu wholesale choice for many years specializing in the production of plastic bags, opp bag inexpensive, quality assurance, praised by customers. With the rapid development of China's economy, the purchasing power and consumption will also gradually increase domestic residents, consumer attitudes will tend to further improve the quality of life. Market demand for beverages, wine, cooking oil and spices and other liquid food will also be with the economic development and people's living standards improve steadily. Jiajun plastic bag factory in Yiwu wholesale choice for many years specializing in the production of plastic bags opp bag manufacturers, affordable, quality assurance, praised by customers. PE bags in our daily lives often use to, but how can we do to detect PE bag? Here we have to share the experience it: First check whether print fade; static function, sealing function, opening function meets the requirements of bone mouth opening and closing (5) smooth, with or without dislocation, elastic suitability. Then is the inspection, the inspection can be divided into the following three points: First, the sampling inspection: drawn from a number of individuals in all parts of the product to be inspected individually, and based on the results of inspection of the entire batch of samples to determine whether the product eligible activities, is a typical calculation conjecture jobs. opp bag factory, opp bag, Jiajun Jiajun plastic bags provided by the factory. Jiajun plastic bag factory (www.jiajunsl.com) strong, credible, Jinhua in Zhejiang plastic bag industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving Jiajun innovative ideas will lead you hand into the bag and brilliant, for a better future! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Jiajun plastic bag factory
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Chen has()
Telephone Number: 0579-85699737
Company Address: Yiwu temple Town Hom head, Jinhua City, Zhejiang, China
Zip/Postal Code: 322000
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