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Installation of anti-aircraft artillery billboards, billboards antiaircraft Binzhou, Jinan Changtai undertake professional

Installation of anti-aircraft artillery billboards, billboards antiaircraft Binzhou, Jinan Changtai undertake professional
Installation of anti-aircraft artillery billboards, billboards antiaircraft Binzhou, Jinan Changtai undertake professional
Installation of anti-aircraft artillery billboards, billboards antiaircraft Binzhou, Jinan Changtai undertake professional

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Company:Jinan Changtai carving Advertising Co.
Information Name: Installation of anti-aircraft artillery billboards, billboards antiaircraft Binzhou, Jinan Changtai undertake professional
Update Time:2015-04-22
Price Description: RMB/
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 On advertising was replaced functional division, thus ensuring specifications and visual effects at the airport set a good ad. Beijing Capital Airport Advertising Co., proposed a "form of media landscape" concept in media planning transformation, the media and airport design outdoor landscape design integration, integration and the environment. The rational layout of airport advertising with advertising beautify the environment, not only failed to form a redundant, actually increased the culture and attractiveness of the airport. This refers to some outdoor led display before installation, should be targeted at the specific environment, topography, luminous radiation range, brightness and other parameters ability to accept new uniform test chun, to ensure smooth installation of anti-aircraft artillery billboards billboard prices, require lifting Before installation, must be unified command staff for the implementation of anti-aircraft artillery billboards lifting program designed to ensure the normal and stable use of the device. For when some outdoor led billboard structures, must treat the wall advertising screen, advertising screen and roof pendant advertising screen. The actual installation should be based on the distance the height of anti-aircraft artillery billboards, with a crane and hoist lifting segment fabrication and installation of anti-aircraft artillery billboards, while ensuring that the above personnel complement each other, for the Spider-led advertising screen, there is a better the installation process. Installation of anti-aircraft artillery billboards, billboards antiaircraft Binzhou, Jinan Changtai Changtai professional undertaking by carving Advertising Co., Ltd., Jinan. Advertising Co., Ltd. Jinan Changtai carving (www.jnctgg.cn) (www.jnctgg.cn) strong, credible, in Jinan, Shandong advertising industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving innovative ideas will lead Jinan Chaint ads and you hand into the brilliant, for a better future! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Jinan Changtai carving Advertising Co.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Weijing Li()
Telephone Number: 0531-86726859
Company Address: On the 25th Road, Jinan shuitun, Jinan City, Shandong Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 250000
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