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Benefits Huijia textile _ _ bamboo fiber towels bamboo fiber towels

Benefits Huijia textile _ _ bamboo fiber towels bamboo fiber towels
Benefits Huijia textile _ _ bamboo fiber towels bamboo fiber towels
Benefits Huijia textile _ _ bamboo fiber towels bamboo fiber towels

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Company:Texas Huijia Textile Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Benefits Huijia textile _ _ bamboo fiber towels bamboo fiber towels
Update Time:2015-04-21
Price Description: RMB/
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1. Avoid the use of bamboo fiber towel dry rub, wet with better cleaning should not rub back and forth bamboo fiber towel features, rinse gently bamboo fiber towel to wring okay, not long towel soaked in water, and to avoid exposure and high temperature washing. 2. For oil, shoe polish and other heavy oil, because of its heavy oil, corrosion resistance, so the scrub is best cleaned with general non-alkaline substances (such as detergent, soap) or warm water. 3. For soot on the stove, as long accumulation of grease has been sticky, spray cleaners need to make the benefits of soft dirt after decomposition of bamboo fiber towel, with wet bamboo fiber towel. 4. Bamboo fiber towel the size of the points, their use is not the same. Therefore, when used to distinguish, mainly for large towel wash, bathe, etc. bamboo fiber towels, small square directly used to wash dishes and scrub floors furniture. Antibacterial antibiotic, bactericidal rate of 95% after the world's largest inspection, testing and certification SGS testing machine, the same number of bacteria under a microscope, bacteria in cotton, wood fiber products can be a lot of reproduction, and bamboo fiber products on the bacteria 24 hours after killing about 95%. This achievement is also "atypical pneumonia" offers the choice of protective clothing, which is unparalleled in other textile materials. [Cotton towels in the summer will be sour, that is the result of thousands of times more bacteria multiply, bamboo fiber socks to wear comfortable, not smelly] green, anti-ultraviolet Bamboo fiber is extracted to green materials from the bamboo, it Anti hiding natural bamboo, odor, pest control and produce negative ions characteristic. By the Institute of Scientific and physical testing proved that bamboo fiber fabric 200-400NM UV transmittance is almost zero, and the largest of the wavelength of ultraviolet radiation on the human body injury. Huijia textile _ _ benefits of bamboo fiber towels bamboo fiber towels provided by the Department of the best textile. Looking for "bamboo fiber towels, bamboo fiber clothing, bamboo fiber bedding, bamboo toys, bamboo daily necessities, workers" fly suppliers choose to have the whole network business alliance certification: Texas Department of Jia Textile Co., Ltd. (www.huijiafangzhi.com ), honest and reliable "business alliance customer service" on page now click on live chat with us now! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Texas Huijia Textile Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Qijing Li()
Telephone Number: 0534-4530716
Company Address: Dezhou Plains Camp Tangxiang Min County Industrial Park, Germany City, Shandong Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 253100
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