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Hubei, Hunan, Shu car air purifier car air purifier

Hubei, Hunan, Shu car air purifier car air purifier
Hubei, Hunan, Shu car air purifier car air purifier
Hubei, Hunan, Shu car air purifier car air purifier

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Company:Foshan ten thousand wind and Health Technology Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Hubei, Hunan, Shu car air purifier car air purifier
Update Time:2015-04-21
Price Description: RMB/
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Hubei, Hunan, car air purifier car air purifier Shu Shu factory direct Recruitment Agents franchisee 0757-89959769 car indoor air pollution security issues are now more and more attention to their owners. Pollution vehicle pollution is not a new topic, the car formaldehyde and other harmful gases endanger the health of the owner. As we all know, now makes extensive use of leather car interiors and plastic parts, plastic parts in daily use, along with external factors such as aging and sun exposure, will release a lot of carcinogenic pollutants. The leather in the production process, but also use a lot of chemical treatment, which for future use, increasing the risk of contaminant release. According to detect the relevant authorities, the current car products, many new car car formaldehyde and other pollution exceeded, it is the driver's health caused great harm. Harmful chemical substances in the case of the car doors and windows closed, not static. As the vehicle using the large amount of binder, formaldehyde and other harmful substances in the manufacture inevitably varying degrees, and the release rate of the vehicle interior chemical harmful substances will vary with temperature, especially in the summer when the temperature is high, the evaporation rate may be higher than the speed of purifying respirator. So, buy with a large amount of the product out of the wind, for cleanup of hazardous substances as formaldehyde, benzene and other better. kolosin car air purifier using activated carbon negative ion technology, the air can kill more than 99 percent of pathogenic micro-organisms (including bacteria, viruses, and fungi) in a short time, very efficient decomposition of formaldehyde, benzene, TVOC and other harmful gases and volatile a variety of odors (such as cigarette smoke, musty), while purifying the body charged with the settlement can also be efficiently inhalable particles in the air, such as PM2.5. Meanwhile, kolosin air purifier more three effects, six advantages, active clean car environment, purification rate of up to 90%, but also your car environment like forest oxygen bar. kolosin car air purifier with four purification process - pre-filter, HEPA filter, the original can be efficient and complete removal of formaldehyde sterilization filters and advanced filters. The pre-filter can capture hair, a micron-sized particles suspended solids and larger contaminants. HEPA filters can remove 99% of small to 0.3 microns of respirable particulate matter, as well as airborne microorganisms, dust, dust, pollen and larger bacteria, viruses and the like. In addition, the filter is loaded with advanced physics and chemistry of the catalytic unit independently developed, not only can cut the smell, you can also degrade air formaldehyde efficient catalytic completely into carbon dioxide and water, and no secondary pollution. Sterilization filter can effectively remove bacteria, viruses, allergens, etc., to avoid deposited on cleaner and produce secondary pollution, contribute to the prevention of respiratory disease and other types of infectious diseases. Hubei, Hunan, car air purifier car air purifier Shu Shu factory direct Recruitment Agents franchisee 0757-89959769 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Foshan ten thousand wind and Health Technology Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Liu Sheng()
Telephone Number: 0757-89959769
Company Address: Foshan Green Fields Road, Economic Development Zone kehai 5-8, Foshan City, Guangdong, China
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