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Canteen contractor, canteen Zhangmutou bright diet

Canteen contractor, canteen Zhangmutou bright diet
Canteen contractor, canteen Zhangmutou bright diet
Canteen contractor, canteen Zhangmutou bright diet

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Company:Dongguan Bright dietary management Services Limited
Information Name: Canteen contractor, canteen Zhangmutou bright diet
Update Time:2015-04-18
Price Description: RMB/
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 Dongguan catering company, according to US researchers found that about 50 percent of the food on the human body sensitization, but there are hidden and national points. Pregnant women may have allergies to certain food allergies, digestion and absorption of these food allergies after factory canteen, the blood from the placenta into the fetal circulation, hinder fetal growth and development canteen dishes, or direct damage to certain organs, such as the lung, bronchus, so as to cause fetal malformations or suffering from the disease. After low-fat processed foods business, in order to extend shelf life, it could prompt as possible to remove fatty food spoilage. Dongguan catering company because of the lack of fatty acids that the body metabolism slows down significantly, other nutrients such as sugar, protein will be converted to fat accumulation in the body. This is fat foods after treatment, such as cakes, cookies, pastries and other low-fat foods easy to make people fat slice reason there are people put sugar, then drink beer. If it is such a thing as eating on the hospital canteen, not cancer. Inside there is something called tomato tomatoes vegetarian canteen, which, combined in one protein, fiber wrapped around hard to come out. It must be heated, heated to a certain level before it. Scrambled eggs with tomatoes most valuable. There are tomato soup or tomato and egg soup is good. Dongguan school canteen contractor to do the work of a healthy diet daily disinfection Dongguan school canteen contractor to do the work of a healthy diet daily disinfection Dongguan school canteen contractor strictly enforce "a wash, two elimination, three red, four cleaning" process. Wash - with warm water and alkali 40-50 ℃ (or detergent) scrub; clear - soaked with water or flushing more than dirt and lye; -A physical disinfection sterilization: generally available steam or boiling water disinfection 100 ℃, time should be In 15 minutes or more; B chemical disinfection: a potassium permanganate thrown into cold water at a concentration of 1000-2000, cherry red solution is to soak at least 5 minutes; b Bromogeramine with aqueous 1000-2000, soaked time of 5-10 minutes; c TC-101 disinfectant, per kilogram of water into the TC-101 two, soaked 15 minutes; d 84 disinfectant containers, pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables, and in addition to disinfection, 1: 200 invasion soak for 10-30 minutes (ie a cap plus 3kg liquid water). Sanitation spray disinfectant scrub 1:50 10-30 minutes. Disinfection of infectious diseases in patients with 1:50 pollutants soaked for 60 minutes. Canteen contractor, Zhangmutou canteen, bright bright diet meals provided by the City Management Services Limited. Dongguan Bright dietary management Services Limited (www.dgmlss.com) strong, credible, in a hotel in Dongguan, Guangdong, catering industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving innovative ideas will lead you hand into the bright and brilliant meals, for a better future! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Dongguan Bright dietary management Services Limited
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Ye Liang()
Telephone Number: 0769-81321608
Company Address: Shijie Town, Dongguan City, 134 崇焕东 Road, Dongguan City, Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code: 523000
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