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Xuzhou Hitachi central air conditioning repair | Central Air Conditioning | Refrigeration Sheng Erda

Xuzhou Hitachi central air conditioning repair | Central Air Conditioning | Refrigeration Sheng Erda
Xuzhou Hitachi central air conditioning repair | Central Air Conditioning | Refrigeration Sheng Erda
Xuzhou Hitachi central air conditioning repair | Central Air Conditioning | Refrigeration Sheng Erda

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Company:Xuzhou Sheng Erda Refrigeration Electrical Services Ltd.
Information Name: Xuzhou Hitachi central air conditioning repair | Central Air Conditioning | Refrigeration Sheng Erda
Update Time:2015-04-18
Price Description: RMB/
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 Central air conditioning repair: How to clean up promptly for air conditioning in the season, eventually becoming a bath cleaning hazards: the evaporator and condenser air conditioner outdoor unit Mongolia dusty indoor unit, it will affect air and heat distribution Xuzhou central air conditioning installation, resulting in air conditioning cooling or heating effect weakened, when electricity costs; when the air conditioning is turned on, the bacteria inside the air-conditioning will be blown directly into the indoor air, causing direct harm to the human body. Many families in the summer after the last stop using air conditioning, clean air-conditioning will be ignored, so the air conditioning vacuum adsorption of a large number of online dust, mites, pollen, and mold began wantonly lice multiply. Second year again when the air-conditioning, these germs, viruses, fungi and dust was blowing out air conditioning, often triggered massive respiratory infections and atopic dermatitis. Cleaning methods: Therefore, the use of air conditioning is generally before the summer or autumn after use in need of a cleaning and maintenance. To thoroughly to kill bacteria in the air conditioning, the best professional mechanic cleaned once a special cleaning fluid with air conditioning. Central air conditioning maintenance tips: cleaning of air conditioning directly affect the health of their families, the so-called air conditioning disease, also causes the family wash and air conditioning central air conditioning cleaning cleaning method has become a family's annual summer lifestyle. In the past, people just simply clean the surface and air-conditioning filters, removing the bacteria reach the results. Over the years, more and more families to buy from the supermarket cleaner puff heat sink, so wash thoroughly enough? In this regard, central air conditioning cleaning industry association Xiezhu Ren pointed out that the Ministry of Supervision, mainly in air conditioning germs fin condenser and the wind turbine and other components. Open the hood and spray only exposed part of the fin, and long hidden in the shell inside the site more dirt, germs more. In addition, the wall-mounted air conditioner wind wheel, cabinet air turbine and other components, it is filth central air conditioning, a year after the rainy season, bacteria breeding more serious, these parts can not be cleaned to puff fins sure. Even more serious is that some corrosive cleaning agents, do not rinse with water after spraying, will corrode the heat sink directly affects the life of air conditioning. Central air conditioning, cleaning of public service platform responsible person said, the platform used by many customers are used central air conditioning disinfectant Xuzhou recycling, advertising puff is clean, but after the spray, can not afford to wash the taste or to public service platform for in-depth cleaning. Deep cleaning needs to be air-conditioned enclosure and wind deflector all removed, the whole round fin suit all exposed, and then with the professional tools and cleaning agents to conduct a thorough cleaning dust, high temperature sterilization, the entire process takes about 40 minutes to 1 hour Only in this way, air can be washed clean. Here to teach you Gree home central air conditioning cleaning the five-step method. 1. First sterilization for Gree. To join bactericidal agents removed a variety of bacteria and algae in the water system of central air conditioning cleaning. 2. Add stripper air conditioning pipe wall generated slime stripping off, by circulating the slime pipeline cleaning out; 3. chemical cleaning additives such as dispersants and chemical cleaning agent to the pipe wall of scale, rust and oil cleaning down, by dispersing excluded; 4. Gree air inside to put pre-film agent to the surface of the central air conditioning polymer to form a dense polymeric film to play a role in protecting against corrosion; 5. Finally inhibitor added to avoid rusting pipe wall, while adding inhibitor of calcium and magnesium ions to prevent fouling. Improve the effectiveness of air conditioning and refrigeration method - air conditioning repair, air conditioning repair evaporation temperature factors are the following: 1. Evaporator oil pipeline junction: Under normal circumstances because of the lubricating oil and freon solubility in the heat exchanger surface will not form a film, You can not consider the film resistance, but Xuzhou used central air conditioning hire additional lubricant in case, you must use the same label as the original oil, to prevent the film's production. 2. dry filter clogging: To ensure the normal cycle refrigeration Ji, the cooling system must be kept clean, dry, and if there are impurities in the system, it will cause dry filter is clogged, the system for liquid difficulties affect the cooling effect. 3. The air filter is clogged: filters must be replaced periodically to ensure that the required air volume air conditioning cycle. The refrigerant is too small, additional freon. Condensing pressure dirty room air conditioner condenser air conditioning repair refrigeration systems generally use air-cooled condensers, which consists of multiple sets of coils consists in external coil fins to increase the air-side heat transfer area, while accelerating the use of fan air flow, in order to increase the heat transfer effect on the air side. Because films from smaller, with CRAC continuous long-term use, debris and dust flies glued to the condenser fins, resulting in large air can not flow through the condenser, the thermal resistance increases, the influence of the heat transfer effect, leading to condensation effect decreased, the high-pressure side pressure increases, the cooling effect is reduced at the same time, consume more power, the condensing pressure is increased by 1 kg / cm2, the power consumption increases 6-8%. Solution: Use the environment combined with air-conditioning, according to knot gray case, the air conditioning unit on a regular basis to wash, the specific method is to use water gun or compressed air, rinse conditioner condenser from the inside out, remove debris and dust attached to the condenser to ensure Meanwhile good cooling effect, saving a lot of energy. Xuzhou Hitachi central air conditioning repair | Central Air Conditioning | Sheng Erda refrigeration provided by Xuzhou 圣尔达 Refrigeration Electrical Services Limited. Xuzhou 圣尔达 Refrigeration Electrical Services Limited (xzktw.com) strong, credible, in Xuzhou heat exchangers, refrigeration and air conditioning equipment industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving innovative ideas will lead Sheng Erda refrigeration and you hand into the brilliant, for a better future! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Xuzhou Sheng Erda Refrigeration Electrical Services Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Liu Wanhai()
Telephone Number: 0516-83880551
Company Address: Technology hardware market Xuzhou City 2 # -109, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 221000
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