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Blister packaging suppliers, plastic, packaging products Kam Yin

Blister packaging suppliers, plastic, packaging products Kam Yin
Blister packaging suppliers, plastic, packaging products Kam Yin
Blister packaging suppliers, plastic, packaging products Kam Yin

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Company:Dongguan Jin Yin Packaging Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Blister packaging suppliers, plastic, packaging products Kam Yin
Update Time:2015-04-14
Price Description: RMB/
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 Moon cake box of plastic plastic industry from the 1940s had begun to develop, nowadays has become one of the most important methods of processing and packaging materials. As people's living standards improve, Dongguan electronic plastic boxes for packaging requirements are also increasing. Changes in market demand also stimulate the development of the development of this plastic machine industry, plastic industry is following this market supply and demand and price changes continue to develop, and market requirements will cause plastic machine toward intelligence, information technology development. The advantages of using plastic boxes moon cake (1) to protect the product in the production of digital products completion, need plastic boxes for packaging protection products direct sales, in order to prevent goods reaching the point of sale is the integrity of the scattered state and to better ensure items Therefore, the product will choose plastic box packaging, effective packaging can better destination. (2) to promote sales using plastic boxes can do to promote sales. Packaging has recognized the role of landscaping products that can attract buyers, guide consumption, as an important part of the product, if you do choose to use plastic boxes for packaging businesses, should be noted that plastic box packaging design, appearance image design. (3) enhance the grade plastic box packaging also features enhance the quality of results, good packaging to better reflect the value of an item of plastic packaging, but also to improve product quality, Dongguan plastic packaging, higher value of Taiwan-funded factory blister packaging, packaging products for storage because of storage, easy to transport, reduce damage, etc., can improve market sales, but also to the relative increase in profit. Competition in large industries, better able to reflect the value of goods, enhance the competitiveness of peers, packaging materials is an important factor, but also to ensure the quality of the article itself. Blister packaging suppliers, plastic, Kam Yin packaging products offered by Dongguan Jin Yin Packaging Products Ltd. Dongguan Jin Yin Packaging Co., Ltd. (9072026.czvv.com) strong, credible, in Dongguan, Guangdong plastic box industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving innovative ideas will lead Kam Yin packaging products and you work into the brilliant, for a better future! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Dongguan Jin Yin Packaging Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Tam()
Telephone Number: 0769-85648760
Company Address: Dongguan City Changan Wu Sha Road 85 A seaside community Building 403, Dongguan City, Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code: 523000
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