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Basic knowledge needed to master Taobao shop, Zhuo conducting business school

Basic knowledge needed to master Taobao shop, Zhuo conducting business school
Basic knowledge needed to master Taobao shop, Zhuo conducting business school
Basic knowledge needed to master Taobao shop, Zhuo conducting business school

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Company:Guangzhou Zhuo conductive School
Information Name: Basic knowledge needed to master Taobao shop, Zhuo conducting business school
Update Time:2015-04-14
Price Description: RMB/
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Shop preparation: 1, computer-based applications to operate 2, 3 internet common knowledge, common knowledge to explain four network security, e-commerce profile, situation analysis Shop 5, registered Taobao account, shop certification exam, silver and other marketing clearance networking solution to: a learning Taobao "through train" to use 2, the principle "Taobao off" operating mode and the use of three, "Diamond booth" operation and use of four "super selling tyrants," the use of five, a "wanted" marketing strategy 6 "with the package" is still profitable business customers affordable 7 "Reward" promotion mode profitable point where eight seller marketing tool for use with the foundation philosophy. Promotion and optimization of management 1, the station promotion and optimization: Announcement outside bar, classification areas, community 2 station promotion and optimization: blog marketing, forum promotion, B2B commerce sites, space, chat tool 3, baby naming optimization techniques: how to choose Key words and long tail keywords to promote baby 4, baby merchandise marketing copy writing 5, a clever brush credibility, Taobao shop is responsible for the visual planning, interior design, and product description of work. 2, shop fitting routine landscaping and maintenance. 3, the product image processing, retouching. 4, responsible for promotional activities advertising design 5. Shop visual master map production. 6. Classification and shopping guide Pu Pu shop standard 7. describe the design and production of shop signs and 7 release. decoration template Pu Pu decoration design practice skills 8. 9. Taobao shop promotional advertising design 10. Taobao shop 11. The overall image of the design specifications for the production of promotional posters shop (shop specials, discounts, points, promotional merchandise and other activities Poster Design) 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Guangzhou Zhuo conductive School
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Contact Person: Mr. What the teacher()
Telephone Number: 15992756027
Company Address: Yuexiu District, 5th Floor, Room 501 overpass Zhuang Hua Department of Commerce Building, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
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