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Under the white carpet cleaning costs | big broom clean (certified) | White under carpet cleaning

Under the white carpet cleaning costs | big broom clean (certified) | White under carpet cleaning
Under the white carpet cleaning costs | big broom clean (certified) | White under carpet cleaning
Under the white carpet cleaning costs | big broom clean (certified) | White under carpet cleaning

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Company:Nanjing broom clean Ltd.
Information Name: Under the white carpet cleaning costs | big broom clean (certified) | White under carpet cleaning
Update Time:2015-04-11
Price Description: RMB/
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 Carpet also want to drink - or not to give him to drink it, of course, do not give up under the white carpet cleaning costs, which is the new stains can be cleaned with water. Aged stains plus borax aqueous ammonia required to clear. Coffee stains, tea stains - ammonia can be washed. Silk, wool carpets available neutral detergent soaked for 10-20 minutes and then wash in addition to, or with 10% glycerol solution cleaning. Edible oil sprinkled on the carpet - with gasoline or other volatile solvents carbon tetrachloride removed, the residual part of the clean use of alcohol. Soy sauce stains and carpets intimate contact - new stain first brush with cold water, then detergent under the white carpet cleaning services, carpet cleaning under that removing white, aged stains can be added detergent and ammonia scrubbing with warm water, then wash net. Shoes, holding carpet stains and hold - with gasoline, alcohol wipe, then wash with soap. Baby careless urine in the carpet - New stains can be warm or 10% ammonia solution to remove scrub, aged stains before washing with detergent, then wash wool carpet to use citric acid, ammonia washing. How to eat ice cream carpet stains do - wipe with gasoline. Nanjing broom carpet cleaning carpet cleaning and maintenance perennial team to work on the family carpet, hotel carpet, carpet cleaning malls deep research, summarized under the white carpet after cleaning Which is good, for all the family on the carpet maintenance to bring the gospel , to share with you the following: First, the first contact with the carpet at the legs of furniture should be placed cushion or frequently move furniture; severe wear parts, in addition to taking be protected with mulch, you can also swap the position of use. Second, secondly because of the inner surface layer of the carpet fiber, easy to accumulate dust, the best way is to regularly dust with a vacuum cleaner along with hair direction, so you can keep the carpet cleaning experts suggest that once a week for carpet cleaning, currently The vacuum cleaner has a finely drawn style, beat brown brush rod and three rotary vacuum methods are used in the carpet pile close; and terry carpet, can only have a vacuum cleaner suction functions. Third, and finally use a vacuum cleaner when the last push should follow the direction of the pile is worth noting that when cleaning teeth or do not use the tool edge roughness, and this will damage the carpet surface layer of filaments. Closure wool carpet appearance, you need to wipe with a clean towel soaked in hot water and comb with a comb straight, smooth hair with a damp cloth pad iron ironing, restore the status quo. Under the white carpet cleaning costs | big broom clean (certified) | White under carpet cleaning provided by Nanjing broom clean Limited. Nanjing broom clean Ltd. (njdasaoba.com) is Nanjing, cleaning leader, over the years, the company is implementing the scientific management, innovation and development, the principle of honesty and trustworthiness, and satisfy customer needs. In a large broom clean leadership with the staff warmly welcome all inquiries negotiations to create a large broom clean a better future. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Nanjing broom clean Ltd.
Employee Number:
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Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Wu Guoqing()
Telephone Number: 025-85488789
Company Address: Yuhuatai Qiucun 68 in Nanjing, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 210000
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