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Asphalt works, asphalt engineering contracting, asphalt construction.

Asphalt works, asphalt engineering contracting, asphalt construction.
Asphalt works, asphalt engineering contracting, asphalt construction.
Asphalt works, asphalt engineering contracting, asphalt construction.

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Company:Shenzhen Security Traffic Engineering Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Asphalt works, asphalt engineering contracting, asphalt construction.
Update Time:2015-04-10
Price Description: RMB/
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Asphalt works, asphalt engineering contracting, asphalt construction. (1) high-quality low-temperature deformation of asphalt, and in accordance with the requirements of good control of asphalt mixing quality. (2) before paving asphalt surface, carefully check the bearing layer under construction quality, timely removal of plaster and other debris, deal with weak layer, ensuring stable bearing layer and spray 0.7-1.1l / m of through the layer of oil, in accordance with the requirements of stone chips or sand sprinkled when necessary, to ensure the inter-layer combination. (3) the asphalt layers of construction to meet the minimum thickness requirements, to ensure a good connection between the top and bottom, and take appropriate measures from the design, construction, maintenance and remove rain water structure layer. Asphalt works, asphalt engineering contracting, asphalt construction. (4) the design of the pavement structure should do traffic surveys and forecasting work, so a combination of pavement and pavement design life within the overall strength to meet the requirements of traffic loads. Conditions can adopt flexible base asphalt gravel to alleviate the extent of cracks in the mesh. 4 4.1 reflective cracking cracks after grassroots manifestation, in the role of temperature and traffic load, the crack gradually reflected onto the asphalt concrete pavement, cracks form in the form of cracks in pavement and grass-roots basically the same. For semi-rigid base with transverse cracks in the majority, for the flexible pavement layer structure stamped asphalt, cracks form varies, depending mainly bearing layer. 4.2 causes asphalt works, asphalt engineering contracting, asphalt construction. (1) has been cracking the old asphalt overlay on the old concrete pavement asphalt surface, due to temperature changes (decreases), the old pavement cracks continue to pull, so that the new overlay disconnect the old cracks. (2) semi-rigid temperature shrinkage cracking caused by reflective cracking. (3) the new shop semi-rigid base mix with water to reduce the generation of drying shrinkage and shrinkage stress, resulting in cracking the asphalt surface reflection. 4.3 Precautions (1) In the old asphalt surface overlay on the road, it is best carried out after milling in addition to the existing road paving; or the laying of geotextile or geogrid to reduce reflective cracking. Asphalt works, asphalt engineering contracting, asphalt construction. (2) proper control of the base material in powder content and plasticity index of less than 0.075mm particle content should not exceed 5%. (3) Base Construction as possible so that the mixture in a state close to the optimum moisture rolling, and rolling to fully ensure the grassroots strength; at the same time to strengthen the grassroots health has been completed, as soon as possible to be paving the upper, or seal coat to reduce shrinkage joints. Asphalt works, asphalt engineering contracting, asphalt construction.
Contact Detail
Company Name: Shenzhen Security Traffic Engineering Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Wang Bliss(Business Manager)
Telephone Number: 0755-28448624
Company Address: Longgang District Sakata Daihatsu Po Industrial Zone 2, Shenzhen City, Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code: 518129
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