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Zhongshan professional housing stucco wall paint interior renovation of old houses

Zhongshan professional housing stucco wall paint interior renovation of old houses
Zhongshan professional housing stucco wall paint interior renovation of old houses
Zhongshan professional housing stucco wall paint interior renovation of old houses

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Company:Jian Wang Zhongshan waterproof decoration Ltd.
Information Name: Zhongshan professional housing stucco wall paint interior renovation of old houses
Update Time:2015-04-05
Specifications:Engineering Contracting
Price Description: RMB/
Inquire Now
Zhongshan professional housing stucco wall paint interior renovation of existing homes Hotline; 13715628632 Yang Jian Wang Zhongshan City, New Technology Co., Ltd. Zhongshan wall waterproof paint the walls of the old wall renovation repair paint brush housing renovation Zhongshan Zhongshan Zhongshan wall paint waterproof plugging office wall paint Zhongshan Zhongshan home office wall painting wall painting wall painting old houses Zhongshan Zhongshan Zhongshan hand housing wall painting old house wall painting wall painting old house renovation Zhongshan Zhongshan Zhongshan old house renovation wall paint waterproof paint brush Plugging grasp the details of housing maintenance practices can be found in wall paint wall blistering, cracking, fading and consumers to reflect the most problems. Zhongshan wall paint the walls a blistering problem blistering sand-like walls have small bubbles bulge causes are: wall paint job to add too much pigment in paint deployment or mixed with debris; paint bucket brush, roller or spray is not clean; the paint is completely dry before, so that the film loses water infiltration adhesion; before brushing the wall is not clean. Solution: Avoid the humidity of the season or the weather were wall paint; when brushing, you must wait for the next head of putty or paint dry and then coated with a layer; latex wall paint before cleaning construction environment, construction, and clean wall. Second Zhongshan wall paint the walls peel problem for two main reasons: poor wall paint construction craft workers; poor putty, paint adhesion properties or shrinkage properties. Solution: first, to select high-quality water putty. These putty whiteness, good water resistance, high bond strength, after use can not afford to skin, not powder, not falling, falling plaster can solve the troubles; before brushing paint, at least two or three times scraping putty; with gypsum powder plus 801 glue, can increase the stickiness. Zhongshan wall paint three walls cracking main reason: It may be putty contraction caused by the construction of the former over the putty does not dry on the putty scraped again, the second time putty does not dry on the paint, causing the back layer of putty drying shrinkage cracking. Solution: stucco wall construction should wait again putty dry and then scraped again, the thickness of each wall paint over putty should not be more than 2 mm. When the first crack at rework repair scrape, scrape up and then putty, putty dry and then painted finish. Shanghai painting company, professional paint painting, paint coatings, exterior painting, paint brush, paint the exterior paint, stucco wall paint, wall paint brush, paint and other painting, Service Area: Torch Development Zone, Brick, three Township, Tan Chau, Banfu, Ring, Shaxi, Black Hill, Sharon, Tan back, Dongsheng, Siu Lam, head south, east, Huangpu, triangle, people, wave network, cross bar, town, Fusha, Eastern, Western, Shiqi District, North, South 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Jian Wang Zhongshan waterproof decoration Ltd.
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Young students(Manager)
Telephone Number: 1371-5628632
Company Address: Zhongshan Torch Development Zone Technology Park, Zhongshan City, Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code: 528400
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