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Sichuan Mei Chen design company Which is better? Which is the best reputation? Carved Chengdu International

Sichuan Mei Chen design company Which is better? Which is the best reputation? Carved Chengdu International
Sichuan Mei Chen design company Which is better? Which is the best reputation? Carved Chengdu International
Sichuan Mei Chen design company Which is better? Which is the best reputation? Carved Chengdu International

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Company:Carved Chengdu International
Information Name: Sichuan Mei Chen design company Which is better? Which is the best reputation? Carved Chengdu International
Update Time:2015-03-30
Price Description: RMB/
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(Chengdu carved International Tel: 15882056137,028-86729876.QQ: 2816165428 undertake malls Chen Mei Mei Chen layout design business season spring beauty Chen / Chen Mei summer / autumn beauty Chen / winter beauty Chen / Chen Mei festival layout / lover festival / Dragon Boat Festival Day / Mid-day / other festivals / Chen Mei layout opened / opened Decoration / Anniversary Decoration / theme layout / activities arranged scope mainly covers: the United States and China, Chengdu Chen Design | Mianyang / Zigong / Nanchong / Guang / Pakistan / Suining / Deyang / Neijiang / Yibin / Guangyuan / Meishan / Luzhou / Ya'an / Leshan / Ziyang / Jianyang / Panzhihua / Sichuan Exhibition Company - Mei Chen Design) Chen mall America, as the name suggests is a commercial mall beauty Chen. Its value is reflected in many ways, the most important goal is customer-centric, to create a good ambience, giving customers a good experience for the fundamental purpose. It is based on the environment and decorative arts as the main body, combined with commercial buildings, business operations, marketing, planning and comprehensive project. Modern business is not only selling goods, but also the sale of feeling and experience. Good display and display poor, has an important impact on direct sales, which is the number of shopping malls in the main emphasis on the display of goods. Similarly a commodity, placed in different locations, different display, its sales results to differ materially. With the arrival of a buyer's market, the competition between the mall tends fierce. At the same time, but also to raise the living standards of people's needs become more diverse and complex. This requires the display of goods not thousands of shops side, to strengthen the mall differences, focusing on personalization and artistry, people willing to buy. Mei Chen appliance stores and merchandise displays within the following points should be noted. 1. Rational design of the mall distribution. Distribution layers mall customer demand as the center should fully take into account the customer's psychology, in order to make consumers feel comfortable. A good store layout to consider many factors, due to high cost of land stores, shopping malls to consider how to put more goods, but can not make the customer feel crowded. Then we must make reasonable mall layout, you can design a variety of shopping malls cargo layout. As malls, layers of goods furnished, each specific location of the display of goods, and the specific display method, these must make a choice in full knowledge of the customer's situation. 2. Focus on merchandising approach. To the eye-catching display of goods, to highlight merchandise. Consumer concerns into the mall is a commodity, the purpose is to obtain goods or information they need from a number of commodities, to achieve this purpose, the consumer should first of a wide variety of merchandise to browse, find anything interesting, So, merchandise display must be visible, prominent. By booth design, colors, POP design to highlight the unique merchandise excellent performance, quality, style, shape, so that the product stand out. 3. Focus on related products on display. Commodity group can display the way, the so-called commodity group that certain related goods mall together, becoming among the particular community store. You can by the main commodity, auxiliary goods, commodities and stimulate trade association composed of a combination of different products can be designed. An unexpected but reasonable commodity group not only shows the unique display of creative mall also promote consumer buying behavior. Commodity groups such as television, can include color TV, DVD, discs, audio, wire and other products. This commodity group display mode, enabling customers to produce more reverie, causing the customer's desire to buy. At the mall, in addition to shopping malls display, the product of a kind of sales also has an important impact. As long as the terminal sales will certainly have a kind. Products of a kind not only have a great relationship with product sales, but it also bears an important function display row occupied surface, suppress competition and so on. In addition, the combination of high and low quality samples can also predict the performance of the brand in the terminal. Especially in "winning end," "decisive battle channel" Today, a kind is definitely a problem worthy of attention. Sichuan Mei Chen design company Which is better? Which is the best reputation? Chengdu Chengdu carved carved International Exhibition Company, the registered capital of 10 million yuan. Southwest is the most important creative and marketing-oriented booth concept, southwest of the earliest commitment to international ideas and local cultural integration, focusing southwest innovative new brand exhibition design, event planning, business Mei Chen, the pavilion exhibition design and construction in one specialized companies. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Carved Chengdu International
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Contact Person: Mr. Wuqin Hua()
Telephone Number: 028-86716936
Company Address: Wuhou Aviation Road on the 10th, 10th Floor Violet commercial, , Sichuan, China
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