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New wind ventilators tender new wind ventilators Hakusan City, Jinli special air conditioning

New wind ventilators tender new wind ventilators Hakusan City, Jinli special air conditioning
New wind ventilators tender new wind ventilators Hakusan City, Jinli special air conditioning
New wind ventilators tender new wind ventilators Hakusan City, Jinli special air conditioning

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Company:Texas Gold Lite Air Conditioning Equipment Co., Ltd.
Information Name: New wind ventilators tender new wind ventilators Hakusan City, Jinli special air conditioning
Update Time:2015-03-28
Price Description: RMB/
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 Fresh air ventilator is based in a closed room the other side of the side of the wind blowing, it will form in the interior principle "new wind flow field" was designed and developed. It relies on mechanical air, the wind fresh air ventilator, forcing the formation of new wind flow field within the system. A time to keep indoor air clean and fresh new environmentally friendly appliances. This independent indoor air exchange, purification cycle system, can decontaminate air chamber at the same time, fresh air input natural, fresh air will enter the interior of the first filtered, sterilized, heat, oxygen and many other processing. Higher heat transfer efficiency: using energy recovery module WASSI-III new wind ventilators efficiency, so that the whole heat transfer efficiency by 5% -10%. Smaller dimensions: the overall decline of about 20 percent, saving installation location. More stable performance: the long-term continuous operating conditions, such as heat transfer efficiency to maintain a stable number of indicators. More comprehensive models: air flow 100m3 / h-100000m3 / h wind ventilators new standard, fully meet the needs of different users. Maintenance more convenient: just regular cleaning filters, and energy recovery module without professional clean and make maintenance easier. Photocatalytic disinfection and purification (optional): the introduction of US Wasun photocatalytic disinfection technologies mature, bacteria, viruses kill rate of 99.9%. DDC building automation and filter pressure alarm (optional): remote monitoring and automatic alerts cleaning (replacement) filter. Intelligent controller (optional): imported control unit, on-line detection of the user preset working conditions, intelligent operation. 1, with respect to the operational status of the wet conditions, chilled water temperature increase, the value of the chiller COP also a corresponding increase in the same amount of cooling energy can be reduced accordingly, and even the possibility of using other natural cold source (such as well Water, water, water cooling towers, air-source heat pumps, etc.), or more energy efficient refrigeration technology to tap more energy-saving potential. 2, in order to obtain a lower temperature of fresh air and avoid the drop chiller cooling efficiency, new air handling units should adopt the direct steam published cooler air conditioning unit to handle new wind, cold air independent air system using a large temperature difference between the air, the air conditioning unit size reduced, room area correspondingly reduced fresh air ventilation machine manufacturers, duct smaller, accounting ceiling space smaller. Independent air system air volume is small, the noise is lower than conventional air-conditioning unit. 3, the new air unit in the use of new metal filter, washable reusable, saving operating costs in the cost of replacing the filter, and its fine dust filter bacteria and the effects can be quite efficient filter, the rational use of ultraviolet light to indoor air quality of buildings bring more protection. 4, the new wind generating units and wind-grade coil temperature of the chilled water demands are very different, the water system in the form of generally require mixing with water or graded series of specific implementations require the use of electric two-way valve or electric three-way valve to reasonable regulating the supply and return water chillers. At this new air unit comes with refrigerator, reducing the requirements for automatic control of chilled water systems, especially for the operation of the system is relatively small system and maintains a clear advantage. New wind ventilators tender Baishan new wind ventilators, air-conditioning is provided by special forces Jin Kim Texas Air Conditioning Equipment Co. special forces. Texas Gold Lite Air Conditioning Equipment Co., Ltd. (www.jltktgs.com) strong, credible, in Dezhou fan, ventilation equipment industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving innovative ideas will lead the gold of the special air conditioning and you hand in hand into the brilliant, for a better future! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Texas Gold Lite Air Conditioning Equipment Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Tube determined()
Telephone Number: 0534-6353988
Company Address: Dezhou City, Shandong Province, Lu Industrial Park right Tunzhen, Germany City, Shandong Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 253308
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