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Health decontamination Quote | Heilongjiang health care decontamination | New Northern purification

Health decontamination Quote | Heilongjiang health care decontamination | New Northern purification
Health decontamination Quote | Heilongjiang health care decontamination | New Northern purification
Health decontamination Quote | Heilongjiang health care decontamination | New Northern purification

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Company:Northern Henan purification equipment installation Ltd.
Information Name: Health decontamination Quote | Heilongjiang health care decontamination | New Northern purification
Update Time:2015-03-23
Price Description: RMB/
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 Lithium battery production workshop is a special workshop, humidity control is very strict. Working mechanism of lithium-ion batteries strictly eliminate the presence of water molecules, the water molecules are present will produce a chemical reaction inside the battery, Vice affect performance and battery plates produce flatulence. Requires not only the extent of the production process of the material system needs to eliminate water; after sealing the battery, still to be eliminated. Lithium battery production process liquid injection, glove boxes and other processes workshop humidity control extremely harsh decontamination manufacturer of health care products, these workshops humidity control requires a dedicated lithium battery design workshop fresh air, circulating air temperature and humidity control, more needs Professionals always wet load of lithium purification plant, hot / cold loads can only be determined after precise calculations. 1. numerous fire decontamination decontamination of production and application design most of the material, after a fire loss is difficult to estimate health care decontamination contractors, because the relevant design specifications show, GMP workshop decontamination fire resistance rating of not less than two, electronic fire-resistant plants rating of not less than one. Set in a clean room office, warehouse, you must use the appropriate fire resistance rating of wall separated. Production workshop each function room closely health care decontamination, not suitable partition, but in the design of the production area of, shall not exceed the maximum set by the building code. If the workshop area exceed the requirements of health care products and non-separated decontamination installation, the automatic sprinkler system must be installed. Decontamination of personnel through the circulation to his shoes, even after the coat, put on clean clothes, hand disinfection. To avoid fire cut staff walking routes, when setting up the channel should not be too roundabout, at the same time not to purge outlet is set to secure the escape channel, that channel and fire evacuation routes workers may not coincide. Health decontamination Quote | Heilongjiang health care decontamination | New Northern purification from northern Henan purification equipment installation Limited. Northern Henan purification equipment installed Ltd. (www.xinbeifangjh.com/) strong, credible, environmental projects in Henan Xinxiang cooperation industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving innovative ideas will lead the new north into the brilliant purify and you work for a better future! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Northern Henan purification equipment installation Ltd.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
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Contact Person: Mr. Manager Fan()
Telephone Number: 0373-3806361
Company Address: Temple Zhuang top East Zone 2 Makino area on the 3rd Floor, East, Xinxiang City, Henan Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 453000
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