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Yunnan CMMI certification, CMMI3 certification, CMMI4 certification, CMMI5 certification

Yunnan CMMI certification, CMMI3 certification, CMMI4 certification, CMMI5 certification
Yunnan CMMI certification, CMMI3 certification, CMMI4 certification, CMMI5 certification
Yunnan CMMI certification, CMMI3 certification, CMMI4 certification, CMMI5 certification

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Company:Chengdu Sipei An Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Yunnan CMMI certification, CMMI3 certification, CMMI4 certification, CMMI5 certification
Update Time:2015-02-27
Price Description: RMB/
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1. What is CMMI? CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) translated into Chinese for Capability Maturity Model Integration, the United States Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute (SEI) in the original SW-CMM model (specifically improved model for the software development process) based on upgraded version of formation. CMMI model series contains several sub-models, respectively, for different areas, which are CMMI-DEV (for software / system development, system integration type of activity), CMMI-SVC (for service type activities), CMMI-ACQ (for procurement activity), which CMMI-DEV model is the most common model currently used in the IT industry, is recognized as the global IT industry measure of the overall strength of a software company. CMMI mentioned in this article, refers to the absence of special note are the CMMI-DEV model. SEI almost every four years will be an upgrade of the model, the latest version is CMMI-DEV v1.3, released in November 2010. CMMI-DEV V1.3 version integrates software engineering, the latest practical systems engineering, project management, process management, supplier management, integrated product development, agile software development and other areas, for decades the global software engineering, systems engineering best Summary of best practice. 2. CMMI certification is how is it? CMMI models are used to guide the business process improvement, the process maturity of enterprises into five levels, namely: 1, the initial level 2, has the management level 3, level 4 has been defined, quantitative management level 5, optimization level rises one level every enterprise business process maturity marks on a higher level, the higher the level, the higher the level of corporate R & D means and capabilities. In order to measure the level of the enterprise in which, SEI provides a standard method to assess process maturity. SEI also through a series of training, assessment of institutions and personnel certification assessment after assessment agency called SEI SEI authorized partner (SEI Partner), through SEI authorized appraiser called Lead Appraiser, Lead Appraiser shall be assessed as an individual, issued * must affiliated with practice in evaluation agency (SEI Partner). Authorized Lead Appraiser for process maturity corporate evaluated by assessment bodies (SEI Partner), by evaluating the results can prove business process maturity reached a CMMI level by assessment bodies (SEI Partner) * issued the assessment results SEI's official website will be registered in order to check on the interested parties. The * valid for three years, three years after the SEI will delete enterprise information at the official website, that indicate * failure. If the companies also need to prove their process maturity level, you need to re-evaluate. Description: Carnegie Mellon University in 2014 established a sub-department SEI CMMI Institute, CMMI solely responsible for the management, from the second half of 2014 began to unify change LOGO, CMMI Institute will serve as the official naming replace SEI. SEI Partner also officially changed its name to CMMI Institute Partner. 3. Why implement CMMI? Enterprises to implement CMMI There are three main reasons: 1) their own process improvement: research and development of more or less all aspects of business management, there are some problems, product quality, delivery period, research and development costs and other aspects to be improved. CMMI model is a summary of best practices and other software / systems development and management, but also provides a set of CMMI process improvement framework, for the pursuit of their own corporate CMMI process improvement model is undoubtedly the best choice. 2) market: companies in order to obtain an order to obtain the trust of customers, to prove its own R & D level and ability, and CMMI model is currently the IT industry generally recognized process maturity models to obtain a certain level CMMI certification is to get customers, an effective way to market acceptance. 3) policies and regulations: the current state and local government departments issued a series of policies to encourage IT enterprises to obtain CMMI certification for achieving CMMI certified company, the Government will give some subsidies. Now IT project bidding more and more enterprises, institutions, government and other units require suppliers to obtain CMMI certification, CMMI * as an important indicator in the evaluation, some even as a prerequisite for bidding companies. So did not get CMMI * business in a very passive position in a future competition. 4. What type of business for the implementation of CMMI? Theoretically, any company has development activities can be implemented CMMI. But in fact the industry to implement CMMI mostly corporate IT enterprises, including software development, software outsourcing, systems development, systems integration, IC development companies. If a sector enterprises or enterprises engaged in the development of IT-related business, then the CMMI model specification will help companies develop best management reference model. 
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