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Multi-chip sawing lumber procurement, Pudong New Area, square wooden multi-saw, a strong stable of new mechanical quality

Multi-chip sawing lumber procurement, Pudong New Area, square wooden multi-saw, a strong stable of new mechanical quality
Multi-chip sawing lumber procurement, Pudong New Area, square wooden multi-saw, a strong stable of new mechanical quality
Multi-chip sawing lumber procurement, Pudong New Area, square wooden multi-saw, a strong stable of new mechanical quality

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Company:Strong Machinery Co., Ltd. Jinhua City
Information Name: Multi-chip sawing lumber procurement, Pudong New Area, square wooden multi-saw, a strong stable of new mechanical quality
Update Time:2015-01-19
Price Description: RMB/
Inquire Now
 Multi-saw is a very practical processing equipment, multi-saw to save resources and high efficiency! Multi-saw blade after multiple combinations of machining, and is a single-chip saw blade work, saw a single job is generally not very high multi-sawing lumber wholesalers, even if it is not much lower quality influence; and multi-saw is not the same, for the blade is relatively high, whenever the use of multi-chip saws generally require more to save wood, small kerf, saw Pu, high quality finish. Multi-saw very convenient to work together! Jinhua City, the new powerful machinery developed a number of new products developed multi-chip sawing lumber procurement, quality and reliable, stable performance, energy saving, easy to operate. Welcome to order counseling. Jinhua City is its strong mechanical moulders production capacity, the number of axes knives, feed rate, and machine cutting power to classify, generally moulders can be divided into light, medium and heavy. Moulders to measure the size of the main parameters of the production capacity is the maximum width dimension of the workpiece. In addition to multi-piece square wood saws, knives number of axes, feed rate and cutting power also reflects the machine's production capacity to a certain extent. Jinhua City, the new self-developed mechanical strength of a number of new products, reliable quality, stable performance, energy saving, easy to operate. Welcome to order multi-chip sawing wood Consultant procurement, Pudong New Area, square wooden multi-saw, the new powerful mechanical quality and stability provided by the strong Machinery Co., Ltd. Jinhua City. Strong Machinery Co., Ltd. Jinhua City (qlmyjx.1688.com) strong, credible, Jinhua in Zhejiang machining industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving innovative ideas will lead the new force into the brilliant machinery and you work for a better future! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Strong Machinery Co., Ltd. Jinhua City
Employee Number:
Annual export:
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Contact Person: Mr. Shao total()
Telephone Number: 0579-82640898
Company Address: Jinhua City Economic Development Zone West (North) on the 1st plant, Jinhua City, Zhejiang, China
Zip/Postal Code: 321000
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