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Pharmaceutical Equipment Professional | Fucheng together (certified) | Inner Pharmaceutical Equipment

Pharmaceutical Equipment Professional | Fucheng together (certified) | Inner Pharmaceutical Equipment
Pharmaceutical Equipment Professional | Fucheng together (certified) | Inner Pharmaceutical Equipment
Pharmaceutical Equipment Professional | Fucheng together (certified) | Inner Pharmaceutical Equipment

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Company:Shandong Fu Cheng co-Fluid Equipment Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Pharmaceutical Equipment Professional | Fucheng together (certified) | Inner Pharmaceutical Equipment
Update Time:2015-01-15
Price Description: RMB/
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 Typical of water system - RO editing equipment requirements for pharmaceutical water 1. designed to be simple, reliable, easy disassembly. 2. Design a standardized, universal, systematic components. 3. Equipment outer wall surface smooth, no dead ends, easy to clean, sterilized. Parts of the surface to make chrome surface treatment pharmaceutical equipment classification to corrosion, prevent rust. Avoid painting outside equipment to prevent spalling. 4. Preparation of water purification equipment uses proven low-carbon stainless steel or other materials not pollute the water. Water purification equipment should be cleaned regularly. 5. Materials in contact with water for injection must be of high quality low-carbon steel (such as 316L stainless steel) contaminated materials or other water quality produce proven wrong. Preparation of water for injection equipment should be cleaned regularly, and verify the cleaning effect. 6. purified water storage period of not more than 24 hours, the tanks should be made of stainless steel or proven non-toxic, corrosion-resistant pharmaceutical equipment manufacturers, do not pollute ions leaking other material. Vent should be installed to protect its non-shedding fibers hydrophobic filter sterilization. The inner wall of the tank should be smooth and pharmaceutical equipment prices, over and welds should be dead and trachoma. Sensor does not show the formation of stagnant water pollution level, temperature, pressure and other parameters should be used. The tank should be cleaned regularly, sterilization, and cleaning, sterilization validation results. Reverse osmosis water equipment is the use of international advanced reverse osmosis desalination technology to prepare deionized water, is prepared by a purely physical process technology. Reverse osmosis water unit has a long-term uninterrupted work, automatically run without special care, simple operation, and the quality of long-term stability, no pollutant emissions, preparation pure low cost. Pharmaceutical Equipment Professional | Fucheng together (certified) | Inner pharmaceutical equipment from Shandong Fu Cheng co-Fluid Equipment Limited. Shandong Fu Cheng co-Fluid Equipment Co., Ltd. (www.sdfch.com) Shandong Weifang, machining leader, over the years, the company is implementing the scientific management, innovation and development, the principle of honesty and trustworthiness, and satisfy customer needs. Fu Cheng co-leader in the staff warmly welcome all inquiries negotiations to create Fucheng a better future together. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Shandong Fu Cheng co-Fluid Equipment Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Zhang()
Telephone Number: 0536-8200187
Company Address: Weifang City victory Street, Weifang City, Shandong Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 261000
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