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Mengjin dust desulfurization equipment | dust removal and desulfurization equipment | Luoyang Yu Quan Environmental lowest whole network

Mengjin dust desulfurization equipment | dust removal and desulfurization equipment | Luoyang Yu Quan Environmental lowest whole network
Mengjin dust desulfurization equipment | dust removal and desulfurization equipment | Luoyang Yu Quan Environmental lowest whole network
Mengjin dust desulfurization equipment | dust removal and desulfurization equipment | Luoyang Yu Quan Environmental lowest whole network

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Company:Luoyang Yu Quan Environmental Protection Equipment Co.,..
Information Name: Mengjin dust desulfurization equipment | dust removal and desulfurization equipment | Luoyang Yu Quan Environmental lowest whole network
Update Time:2015-01-13
Price Description: RMB/
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 This content is provided by the Luoyang Yu Quan Environmental Equipment Co., Ltd. The company's main: sewage treatment equipment, integrated wastewater treatment equipment, industrial wastewater treatment equipment, buried sewage treatment equipment, dust denitration equipment, slaughtering sewage treatment equipment, hospital sewage treatment equipment design, manufacture, installation, commissioning Jiaozuo dust desulfurization equipment, implementation of trade integration services. Excellent environmentally friendly products are your best choice, after satisfaction of pre-service so you have no worries. Continuous implementation over a decade to strengthen the integration of the power desulphurization urgent application demonstration building policies make China's power industry has been developing rapidly, entering 2000 after Mengjin dust desulfurization equipment, power generating capacity exceeded 300 million kilowatts. From the current situation, the growth rate of the new power supply can basically achieve dynamic balance between high growth rate of the national economy. At the same time, more dependent on thermal power structure has not been effective in improving the current coal-fired power generation still accounts for more than 75% of the total electricity consumption. Problems caused by environmental pollution also will become serious, because the total amount of coal combustion emissions of sulfur dioxide in our country in 1998 and 1999 were as high as 20.87 million tons and 18.57 million tons, ranking first in the world, the northern region is a series of massive dust pollution and acid rain phenomenon, thermal power plants has become one of the major source of air pollution in China. In addition to sulfur dioxide, thermal power production process, but also a certain water, forming a part of the power of pollution, various provinces and cities have responded to the introduction of various coal-fired power plant desulfurization supporting policies, this series of measures to make the installation of thermal power plants positive environmental unit has been strengthened, especially power desulfurization equipment, the next two to three years of power desulfurization equipment market will reach a peak. This content is provided by the Luoyang Yu Quan Environmental Equipment Co., Ltd. The company's main: sewage treatment equipment, integrated wastewater treatment equipment, industrial wastewater treatment equipment, buried sewage treatment equipment, dust denitration equipment, slaughtering sewage treatment equipment, hospital sewage treatment equipment design, manufacture, installation, commissioning, implementation of trade integration services. Excellent environmentally friendly products are your best choice, after satisfaction of pre-service so you have no worries. At present, domestic intermediate used in industrial production and ongoing trials of flue gas desulfurization methods are more general, can be divided into three categories: namely aqueous absorption of wet flue gas desulfurization of flue gas cleaning; absorbent slurry absorbs sulfur and Semi-dry method; and the direct injection of calcium-based sorbent powder dry FGD. Wet FGD desulphurization efficiency is relatively high, wide application, but the system is complex dust desulfurization equipment, investment in equipment and operating costs, high levels of operational management requirements, even in developed countries to promote the application there are certain difficulties. Spray drying semi-dry flue gas desulfurization investment and operating costs associated with wet relatively decreased, but the rotary atomizing nozzles and other key equipment and technology requirements, mortar system is more complex, application is not easy. Compared with the above two methods Xin'an desulfurization dust removal and desulfurization equipment, Limestone Injection technology with low investment, low operating costs, the system is simple, easy operation, etc., in China is thought to have broad prospects for development of desulfurization technology. Mengjin dust desulfurization equipment | dust removal and desulfurization equipment | Luoyang Yu Quan lowest whole network of environmental protection provided by the Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd., Luoyang Yu Quan. Luoyang Yu Quan Environmental Equipment Co., Ltd. (www.yuquankj.cn) strong, credible, in Luoyang, Henan sewage treatment equipment industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving innovative ideas will lead Luoyang Yu Quan into the brilliant green and you work for a better future! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Luoyang Yu Quan Environmental Protection Equipment Co.,..
Employee Number:
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Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Chang Chih-feng()
Telephone Number: 0379-65503684
Company Address: Luoyang City Luolong District Anle Zheng Village Industrial Park 6, Luoyang City, Henan Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 471000
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