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Gear wheel rod high quality, low price of gear wheel rod supply, high quality Komeito block round rod, low price of gear wheel rod Chung opportunities

Gear wheel rod high quality, low price of gear wheel rod supply, high quality Komeito block round rod, low price of gear wheel rod Chung opportunities
Gear wheel rod high quality, low price of gear wheel rod supply, high quality Komeito block round rod, low price of gear wheel rod Chung opportunities
Gear wheel rod high quality, low price of gear wheel rod supply, high quality Komeito block round rod, low price of gear wheel rod Chung opportunities

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Company:Shenzhen Jie Yi Shun transport facilities Ltd.
Information Name: Gear wheel rod high quality, low price of gear wheel rod supply, high quality Komeito block round rod, low price of gear wheel rod Chung opportunities
Update Time:2015-01-12
Specifications:2.5-inch * 2000
Price Description: RMB/
Inquire Now
Dongguan gear wheel rod, Shenzhen Jie Yi Shun transport facilities factory Name: JYS-DL-001 Specifications: 2000 * 100mm (L * H) steel pipe diameter: 60mm Material: galvanized steel Description: Also known as steel metal locator locator, block cars, parking pad, black and yellow locator, blocking bit device, gear wheels, gear wheel rod and so on. Features: 1, the overall length of 2 meters and a metal bracket welded steel pipe as a whole; 2, good compression performance, durable; Name: JYS-DL-001 Specifications: 2000 * 100mm (L * H) steel pipe diameter: 60mm Material: galvanized steel Description: Also known as steel metal locator locator block cars, parking pad, black and yellow locator, blocking bit device, gear wheels, gear wheel rod and so on. Features: 1, the overall length of 2 meters and a metal bracket welded steel pipe as a whole; 2, good compression performance, durable; 3, surface coating yellow and black colors, making parking stop yellow and black, particularly striking; 4, install stable when the vehicle impact will not slide; 5, simple installation, easy maintenance, solid reliable; 6, nice, effectively regulate parking order. Purpose: parking cars blocked the installation to avoid damage caused by improper parking buildings, as well as damage to the car. Even if the vehicle does not accidentally collide, buildings and cars are able to minimize the damage. Installation position: fixed to the rear parking, parking line after 1 meter away. Surface coating yellow and black colors, making parking stop yellow and black, especially eye-catching gear wheel rod high quality, low price of gear wheel rod supply, high quality Komeito block round rod, low price of gear wheel rod Chung opportunities
Contact Detail
Company Name: Shenzhen Jie Yi Shun transport facilities Ltd.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Miss Liu(Salesman)
Telephone Number: 0755-29849890
Company Address: 4th Floor, New Big Wave Longhua Longsheng Science Park, Shenzhen City, Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code: 518109
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