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Graphic Design Company Registration | Company Registration | Noah Interactive

Graphic Design Company Registration | Company Registration | Noah Interactive
Graphic Design Company Registration | Company Registration | Noah Interactive
Graphic Design Company Registration | Company Registration | Noah Interactive

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Company:Beijing Noah Interactive Financial Consultants Ltd.
Information Name: Graphic Design Company Registration | Company Registration | Noah Interactive
Update Time:2015-01-05
Price Description: RMB/
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 Materials needed a bank account, the original two original business license, the organization of the original code 3, 4 State tax originals originals, seal, chapter names, financial chapter 5, 6 corporate shareholders ID card, ID card checks buyers 7 check the purchaser's two bank sales households inch photo materials needed a business license of the original two originals, the organization of the original code 3, 4 State tax originals originals, seal, chapter names, financial chapter 5, 6 corporate shareholders ID card, 7 purchase license check, bank account permits 8, has been used and the blank check 9, Indian reserve bank cards Beijing halted commercial houses registered company temporarily affected Yesterday, reporters from the city of Trade and Industry Bureau and other departments informed that since June 19 the city's industrial and commercial systems for registration has been suspended for the enterprise of homes for license, including individual industrial and commercial households, including on the grounds that "home use use as 'residential', do not have the conditions to engage in business activities." However, the company has been registered temporarily unaffected. Industry and commerce department official highlighted that in the notification issued before, has been registered in the residential registration of enterprises do not have to comply with this new requirement, but as far as next year is also allowed to continue during inspection companies in the "house" in the start-up, you need to wait for notification, yet now unclear. Yesterday, the reporter found the interview, a number of registered agents Beijing Tel soared these days, a lot of companies who want to do ask, do not want to rent office space and commercial property, "there are loopholes travel company registration, spend some money ? Sign up down "a salesman of anonymity, told reporters:." Now very strict industry and commerce, we have no way to easily find a false address registered crafts company registration, risk management is too remote health technology company registration, When the inspection was found face hefty fines, we can not dare to do it. " In addition, Zhongguancun, and other places on earth commercial residential telephone showings received increased two to three times than usual, she then calls from reporters, said: "It has been almost two days the phone off the hook, really a 'hotline' was. "Graphic Design Company Registration | Company Registration | Interactive Ltd. provided by Beijing Noah Noah interactive financial advisor. Beijing Noah Interactive Financial Consultants Ltd. (www.1885.com.cn) strong, credible, in the Chaoyang District of Beijing company registration industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving the financial Noah innovative ideas will lead into the brilliant and you work for a better future! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Beijing Noah Interactive Financial Consultants Ltd.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Ji Ran()
Telephone Number: 010-51269017
Company Address: Chaoyang District, three yuan East Qiaodongbeijiao Ocean Express, Block A, Room 801, Beijing, Beijing, China
Zip/Postal Code: 100000
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