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Two sweepers two self-adjusting cleaner sweeper

Two sweepers two self-adjusting cleaner sweeper
Two sweepers two self-adjusting cleaner sweeper
Two sweepers two self-adjusting cleaner sweeper

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Company:Limited supplies of Jining City State Long
Information Name: Two sweepers two self-adjusting cleaner sweeper
Update Time:2014-12-25
Specifications:Two sweepers two self-adjusting cleaner sweeper
Price Description: RMB/
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Second Road sweeper Secondary Cleaner Self-adjusting cleaner alloy alloy rubber cleaner cleaner cleaner cleaner conveyor belt cleaner cleaning alloy has H, P, N, O, I ,, bandwidth than sixty 500mm ~ 2200mm specifications. H-type cleaner installed near the first round, with the first round of the tangent point near the center of the horizontal angle of 15 degrees. Near the top of the first round for the adhesion of the material cleared. H-type carbide is the head of the first Road sweeper cleaner for removing wheel transport authorities near adhesion materials. P-type cleaner is installed in the vicinity of the first round of the smooth working surface. For clearing near the bottom of the first round of the adhesion materials. H, P-type sweepers collectively referred to as the head of one, two sweepers. Generally supporting the use of the effect is significant. N-type cleaner mounted on a reversible conveyor runs at a smooth working surface, can be used to clean any part of the conveyor belt. O type (empty section) installed in the head, at the end of non-face for the head, the tail clear adherent material non-working surface. I type cleaner mounted on a reversible conveyor running head, non-working surface of the tail. Clear adhesion for the rear of the head material non-working surface. Long-term mass production: cleaning, alloy rubber cleaning, alloy cleaner, polyurethane cleaner, air cleaner segment, belt cleaners, conveyor cleaner, H-type cleaner, P-type cleaner, reversible cleaning, brush Sweepers, G-type cleaner belt cleaner, polyurethane cleaner, air cleaner section (V-type cleaner) belt cleaning, alloy rubber cleaner, the first cleaning, the first road sweeper, road sweeper second , O-I-type sweeper sweeper sweeper The company's main sweeper: Alloy polyurethane rubber cleaning brush cleaner electric sweeper brush sweepers passive rotary sweeper sweeper sweeper P-type H-type N-type sweeper O-sweeper sweeper sweeper V-reversible bi-sweepers cleaning sweepers 1000 1200 sweepers sweeper cleaner scraper blade supporting categories: slotted bolt rock friction stabilizer bolt MF40 MF43 seam pipe pipe joints pipe joints anchor bolt MF33 (slotted bolt, seam tube bolt) Φ30, Φ33, Φ40, Φ43 tray mesh metal roof beams long beam hinged metal roof beam handover top beam DJB metal roof metal roof beam DFB Liang electric hydraulic type; electric putter putter DTZ DT electric power overall electro-hydraulic putt putt putt parallel electro-hydraulic electro-hydraulic putt DYTZ DYTP DYTF DYTB electro-hydraulic putt mine hydraulic push-running device shift running device TY245C / 110 hydraulic push-running device TY120C / 90 push the slide manually push the slide is YT4-6A shift running device YT4-8A push the slide is cleaner: Alloy polyurethane rubber cleaning brush cleaner electric sweepers cleaning brush sweepers passive rotation H-type sweeper sweeper sweeper P-type N-type O-sweeper sweeper sweeper V-reversible bi-sweepers cleaning sweepers 1000 1200 sweeper sweeper cleaner scraper blade small engineering: YL single steel road roller double drum compactor mini road roller car roller State Long Walk behind vibratory roller compactor GL-600 roller compactor gasoline oil YL-700 roller frame roller leveler frame leveling machine electric road pavement cutter electric hair dryer Trowel Other categories: Mine PVC cable hook cable hook cable hook State Long cable hook cable hook 68 38 80 cable hook cable hook cable hook 50 fire doors fire doors fence dual gates GD explosion proof bag water bag 80L bag 60 l flameproof compartment burst water bag 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Limited supplies of Jining City State Long
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Xu sweet(Manager)
Telephone Number: 0537-3282819
Company Address: 32 of the guhuai Business Building, Jining City, Shandong Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 272100
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