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Dalian clothing import process - professional customs agents

Dalian clothing import process - professional customs agents
Dalian clothing import process - professional customs agents
Dalian clothing import process - professional customs agents

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Company:Tiger Bridge International Logistics Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Dalian clothing import process - professional customs agents
Update Time:2014-12-22
Price Description: RMB/
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 Dalian clothing import process - professional customs agents Dalian clothing import process - professional customs agents Tiger Bridge imported into the State Economic and Trade Co., Ltd. is approved by the Department, the Customs Department has the right to operate import into the country of the company, based in Tianjin, Qingdao and other major port services range clearance agent, import documents service, import logistics, transit, warehousing, international freight forwarding, international trade, global procurement services, contract, "food, cosmetics, equipment" and other overseas buyers of import logistics. Tiger bridge team through a central information management, major ports along the coast in the country, the establishment of import logistics operations with a single platform for network services, integration of resources, to provide "standard document + standard port operations," the standard import logistics services. Tiger Bridge hope recognized by customers through quality service, door to door to create a global import, China's first brand. Division I with a number of shipping companies signed a long-term agency agreement, import shipping prices have obvious advantages, I also have the advantage of Hong Kong's Secretary for local operations, customs agents in Hong Kong re-exports, for a single delivery, storage, handling, for packaging, forwarding and other services . In addition to the import customs clearance and import agency services, customs import supply chain services extended to imports for the record, import payments, import warehousing and other value added services. Feel free to contact! Tiger Bridge International Logistics Co., Ltd. Million enjoy Supply Chain Co., Ltd. Contact: Yan Kun Wen Tel: 021-60871255 / 18817938905 QQ: 1627903345 email: sam@vanhang.cn Dalian clothing import process - professional customs agents Dalian clothing import process - professional customs agents 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Tiger Bridge International Logistics Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Yan()
Telephone Number: 021-60871255
Company Address: 上海市浦东新区张杨路3611弄金桥国际商业广场6座908-906, Shanghai, Shanghai, China
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