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Specializes in white linen Laizhou Kingstone | Shandong white hemp | Zunyi white linen

Specializes in white linen Laizhou Kingstone | Shandong white hemp | Zunyi white linen
Specializes in white linen Laizhou Kingstone | Shandong white hemp | Zunyi white linen
Specializes in white linen Laizhou Kingstone | Shandong white hemp | Zunyi white linen

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Company:Code of Import and Export Co., Ltd. in Yantai
Information Name: Specializes in white linen Laizhou Kingstone | Shandong white hemp | Zunyi white linen
Update Time:2014-10-24
Price Description: RMB/
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 How science needs to store a large number of areas of Shandong, Shandong white linen white linen, making Shandong white linen storage has become a need to focus on content, then, how can we reasonably stored Shandong white linen white linen matte, to play better decorative effect? ??below small for everyone detailed answers. Shandong white linen storage, not only need to consider some aspects, but should pay attention to everything, especially in terms of packaging, transportation, placement, etc., should pay attention to scientific norms reasonable protection. A, Shandong Shandong white linen white linen package packaging, but also need to pay attention science, not random, it needs to take into account the number of Shandong white linen, but also take into account environmental factors in transportation, etc. in all aspects. General packaging, or is packed in wooden cases, or is tied with a rope. Especially in long-distance transport, usually using such methods. When packing, in order to avoid friction between Shandong white hemp cause damage to the surface of Shandong white hemp, it is generally put in Shandong and Shandong white linen white linen relatively bright surface, so it will not be affected. In the box there, pay attention to good moisture lining material, and then a block of Shandong white hemp stands in the box, not flat, that would result in Shandong white hemp pressure and damage. Shandong white linen with wooden boxes were shipped, we should be coupled with an iron hoop at both ends of each box, have to add iron rungs on the corners, so as to ensure their safety. If it is packed with a rope, we should pay attention to two things, one thing is Shandong white hemp still relatively smooth, rope used width of not less than ten millimeters, should Shandong white hemp completely wrapped up, do not have exposed the phenomenon To get a firm bandage. Of course, white linen, but also can be tied by rope width of less than ten millimeters, but it should be well-shaped manner. After packing, China Shandong white hemp network proposal should be marked on the packaging name Shandong white hemp number, name, but also pay attention to include full amount of other information. Also remind you to pay attention to the outside of the packaging "up", "handle with care" and so the words, so that we can remind bearers more scientific construction. The Company is sesame sesame white gold gray hemp production base, set mining, stone processing, engineering orders, and import and export trade in one; has complete sets of advanced stone equipment, with infrared cut 13 units, automatic grinder 2, Grand Cherokee 33 Taiwan, master advanced stone processing technology, strict implementation of a comprehensive quality control system. Business: blocks, large thin panels, products include: polished boards, fire boards Shandong white linen, machine cast plate, litchi surface, mushroom, project board, environmental stone pavement, curbs, little squares and various construction projects supporting stone; stone crafts, stone tombstone and other special-shaped stone products. Not only selling products in major cities, but also exported to the United States, Canada 365 white linen, the United Kingdom, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and other countries and regions. Mines and factories covering 800 acres, with two large processing plants, processing 2.8 million m2 plate; mine with an annual output blocks 50,000 cubic meters. Huge scale of production to enable the company to become the local leading enterprises. Shandong surface roughness on photosynthetic surface stone is relatively high, gloss is also very good, Laizhou City 吉盛隆 stone according to customer requirements to map sample processing a variety of custom stone face on photosynthetic Shandong, Shandong white hemp is very simple stone available is not a way to detect the quality of Shandong white hemp, which uses a simple test method to test the quality is good or bad, Shandong stone on photosynthetic surface. Usually in the back of the stone drops on a small drop of ink, such as ink quickly disperse leaching, that means white linen loose particles inside the stone or the existence of microscopic fissures, poor quality stone; otherwise described Stone dense, good texture. Shandong good quality affordable on photosynthetic surface of stone, welcome new and old customers to consult, come buy! Specializes in white linen Laizhou Kingstone | Shandong White | White Mayumi Zunyi Black Sands English Brown China, India, direct marketing offers. Search for "Indian-Black Sands, British brown, Indian red, red-brown" fly suppliers, network operators choose to have a full alliance Certified: Yantai Code of Import and Export Co., Ltd. (www.tanbrownblackgalaxyGranite.com), trustworthiness and reliability, and now click on "Commercial Union customer service" on page live chat with us now! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Code of Import and Export Co., Ltd. in Yantai
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Wang()
Telephone Number: 0535-6281688
Company Address: Laizhou City, Shandong Province early Xiaqiu Town Village, Yantai City, Shandong Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 261400
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