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In addition to formaldehyde, decoration pollution honor to protect the nation's top five investment, in addition to formaldehyde Merchants Yellowstone

In addition to formaldehyde, decoration pollution honor to protect the nation's top five investment, in addition to formaldehyde Merchants Yellowstone
In addition to formaldehyde, decoration pollution honor to protect the nation's top five investment, in addition to formaldehyde Merchants Yellowstone
In addition to formaldehyde, decoration pollution honor to protect the nation's top five investment, in addition to formaldehyde Merchants Yellowstone

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Company:Dongguan Rambo Bay Building Materials Co., Ltd.
Information Name: In addition to formaldehyde, decoration pollution honor to protect the nation's top five investment, in addition to formaldehyde Merchants Yellowstone
Update Time:2014-06-14
Price Description: RMB/
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In addition to formaldehyde, decoration pollution honor the nation's top five investment protection, investment provided by the addition of formaldehyde Yellowstone Rambo Bay. In addition to formaldehyde, decoration pollution honor to protect the nation's top five investment, the investment is in addition to formaldehyde Yellowstone Dongguan Rambo Bay Building Materials Co., Ltd. (www.nb01.com.cn) 2014 upgrade been newly renovated not long after the launch of families in addition to Formaldehyde, found their home improvement by detecting the presence of formaldehyde are before them are half got a grandson, adorable little guy, very clever, you can as the weather turns hot, some of them are found in small grandson wrong, he always rubbed my eyes, seems to have a kind of feeling of choking eye. Not only choke eye, the baby sometimes inexplicably coughing them are wondering, is likely to be the decoration, the processing of these furniture thrown. Worried about the health of them are specially invited professional testing organizations - Xuzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The staff came after them are home, the indoor humidity is detected after the other indicators, the sampler were placed in a dozen more living room furniture, bedroom and kitchen three rooms. Test results showed that the formaldehyde content of the shoe closet and master Zhang family's standards, and the formaldehyde content of the cabinet is 1.7 times the national standard, already seriously overweight. It was finished a year after the renovation, if it is just finished renovation Yellowstone agents in addition to formaldehyde, the result will be? Reporters to follow CDC staff and Rambo Gulf brand operations center, came more than a month just finished renovation, also requires the detection of formaldehyde Meng master home. Although the selection is solid wood furniture, and all the ventilation window every day, but with respect to them are home, Master Meng new home smell is quite obvious. Inspectors also were placed in the three testing instruments are concentrated master bedroom furniture, lateral and study. The results showed that the two-bedroom home Master Meng air standards, but the study exceeded 40%, which is the shoe formaldehyde content of 1.4 times the national standard. Rambo Bay Brand Center staff suggested that they use silicon nano titanium catalyst Rambo Bay to do a removal of formaldehyde treatment. In catalytic nano silicon titanium construction is completed, sealed 48 hours after re-testing, formaldehyde dropped even lower than the national standard, reaching 0.05mg/m3 floor wallpaper furniture decoration has formaldehyde pollution problems caused by formaldehyde avoid contamination, is imperative. So what are the hidden formaldehyde pollution in what place? Xuzhou City, CDC health department staff said, the first is the floor. Some floors may not brand Yellowstone addition of formaldehyde to join, or through non-formal and some manufacturers, this is quite common in overweight. The second is the wallpaper. Wall covering wallpaper glue contained, leading to high levels of formaldehyde. The third major is furniture. Through the plate, which has led to high levels of formaldehyde have paint decoration Insiders said that for most families, in fact, caused the floor and wallpaper formaldehyde fairly small, most in need of attention is the home improvement company chipped furniture, especially is a sheet metal furniture, its formaldehyde content can not be overlooked. Market is flooded with low-quality sheet metal furniture formaldehyde, which is a strong possibility of being used from the plate, but in many building materials market, the poor quality of this environmental standards board, but because of low prices persist, become a decoration an important source of pollution. Reporters follow an industry to the city of Xuzhou in the city a decorative addition to formaldehyde Merchants Yellowstone and found a lot of businesses are selling wood panels, although both the name of a low-carbon green banner, but the formaldehyde content is not clearly marked. Although many wood panels are known to seek the quality of survival, integrity and development, but the cross-section, but it is clear that, in the middle of the plate filler, in addition to wood, there are many other impurities. Like this, the market is not uncommon, this wood panels generally low prices, as long as six seventy one, and in the middle of these boards are often also hidden more tricky. Board cut to reporters requirements stall even turned away, which has the owner admitted that a sub-price goods, cheap wood panels is hollow in the middle. Rambo Bay brand operations center proposed for themselves and their family's health, you want to buy in the decoration of the environmental performance of the product is relatively high. You can also use silicon nano titanium catalyst to purify indoor air pollution. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Dongguan Rambo Bay Building Materials Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Qin Yulin()
Telephone Number: 0769-28829629
Company Address: Guangming Road, Dongcheng District, Dongguan City, thousands of Xu Building, Dongguan City, Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code: 523000
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