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Pro high sea view rooms, houses enjoy music network exclusive discounts!

Pro high sea view rooms, houses enjoy music network exclusive discounts!
Pro high sea view rooms, houses enjoy music network exclusive discounts!
Pro high sea view rooms, houses enjoy music network exclusive discounts!

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Company:Homesick Real Estate Consultants Ltd.
Information Name: Pro high sea view rooms, houses enjoy music network exclusive discounts!
Update Time:2014-04-18
Price Description: RMB/
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Pro high sea view rooms, enjoy music network exclusive discounts to new homes Hainan settle it -! Le houses near future, with the implementation of individual real estate sale, real estate price war Promotions become the focus of 2014 real estate property market. In order to attract the attention of consumers, and some Home Builders hit the "average price x thousand", "direct price x Wan", "straight down the total price x million" advertising and hype them. It sounds very lively "promotional price war", has also led to many questions. Promotions in real estate, often false offers and discounts trap. Music caught the eye of those houses are summarized estate prices when the usual promotional trick. There are the following four: one, to "low From" to attract buyers. Some real estate to "low From" to attract buyers, but actually "low from" real estate only 1-2 sets, whether it is size, structure or the environment, the location is not ideal; or when consumers buy will be told: cheap existing homes have been ordered finished, "Low Prices" consumers do not buy real estate. Second, through the substantial increase in the price preferential basis, then a larger deals false promotions. Some projects launched more substantial concessions, but also greatly improved on the basis of preferential prices, in fact, the sales price or a higher price. Third, real estate will have to raise prices to attract, facilitate buyers to buy. Some sales staff to facilitate real estate transactions, real estate will tend to raise prices to flicker potential buyers purchase orders. In fact real estate sales prices filing system, operators are not allowed to raise the price for the record, if the developer permission to raise the record price, once discovered, the price department will be severely punished. Fourth, the price of maintaining a false promise. Some real estate with "no longer cheap" and prices will remain committed to attract buyers, and in fact very difficult to fulfill this commitment, because real estate prices as the market changes and demand changes. Happy new homes for sale and Hainan's first comprehensive analysis of the surrounding shopping guide platform and to provide the latest and most complete real estate prices, allowing you to become more relaxed and happy house hunting Hainan, allows you to quickly search and easily home. Hainan to buy a new house, a new house on the music. Just call 400-0898-956 Homesick Hainan Real Estate Consultants Co., Ltd. Website:. Www.lexinfang.com lxf.lexinfang.com QQ: 7663051 Tel :400 -0898-956 the following promotional articles, and unrelated to the company's products and services: Real estate to demonstrate the change in the area of ??processing terms, the quality of the compensation terms, delivery terms, liability for breach of the terms to be modified, and the contents of the revised model contracts previously published as supplements and as a non-negotiable terms, such as buyers of purchase contract can not reach agreement, the developer will often ordered to buyers who violate the agreement should also be required to provide the real estate purchase contract sample, including the terms of the contract for the purchase supplements to find out later in order to decide whether to sign the order agreement. After the signing of a formal purchase contract signing subscription book, the next step is to sign a formal purchase contract, drawn up at the time and place, with all the buyers get ready, with developers or agents duly signed the purchase contract. Purchase contract generally include two existing homes and real estate sale contract Built in housing sales contract. Built in the pre-sale contracts and contracts to sell existing homes difference: the difference between the two lies: sale contract when using real estate sale, housing completion of delivery, buy Fangjiakuan paid in full after the recipient can directly transfer procedures. Contract for the sale of commercial real estate is now applied to obtain final acceptance ranking of sales of commercial real estate ownership. Therefore, if it is now signed sale contract, when submitted no sign the sale contract, you can directly transfer procedures. If the sale contract was signed in the years before, according to the contract itself still agreed to sign the sale contract in the housing delivery in order to handle the household formalities. Share Link: lxf.lexinfang.com, www.lexinfang.com, www.bslsl.com, www.merrytek.com, www.szmerrytek.com, www.zgmmcy.com, www.nj-8.com, www. nengjiang88.com, www.hjs78.com, www.fangzhouzhiye.com, www.dudulvyou.com, www.kyj360.com, www.kyj360.cn, www.bstpu.com, www.tianzow.com, www.changanbus. com, www.eastflower.net, www.bdsanye.com, www.tjyp.net, www.iyouxj.com, shop1368119625514.cn.1688.com, www.loooz.cn,, www.4007105675.com, www.cnfunan . com, www.njlejia.com, www.kyt86.cn, www.800yn.com, user.qzone.qq.com/6791999, 97287760.qzone.qq.com, user.qzone.qq.com/106888296 lingao Seaview enjoys music network exclusive discounts new home!
Contact Detail
Company Name: Homesick Real Estate Consultants Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Mr. Fu()
Telephone Number: 0898-66666991
Company Address: Kim Kim Haikou City Road, Building 903 B, Haikou City, Hainan, China
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