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Eat traditional Chinese medicine treatment of syphilis - Minister Li answers

Eat traditional Chinese medicine treatment of syphilis - Minister Li answers
Eat traditional Chinese medicine treatment of syphilis - Minister Li answers
Eat traditional Chinese medicine treatment of syphilis - Minister Li answers

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Company:Chinese medicine Herbs Mei Ling San cure for syphilis
Information Name: Eat traditional Chinese medicine treatment of syphilis - Minister Li answers
Update Time:2013-05-15
Price Description: RMB/
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 Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease, while also autoimmune diseases, syphilis a two highly contagious. 2012 report syphilis and 36% of the family are syphilis, many patients are sick, the whole family are! Countries have syphilis include B infectious diseases. Syphilis patients with early diagnosis, early treatment is recommended. The Herbs Mei Ling San cure syphilis five characteristics: traditional Chinese medicine, dig up the roots, green, safe, anti-recurrence we have helped many patients with syphilis towards rehabilitation, Phoenix and some other well-known sites have also reported Herbs Mei Ling San magical effect 10 days effective, there is no side effects. Online consultation Minister Li] QQ: 1,920,479,445 24-hour hotline 0311 -69,036,070 Herbs Mering scattered 24 hours Order Tel: 18332496070 (Herbs Mei Ling San the Minister Li) Herbs Mei Ling San experts throughout the guide medication until you heal. There are any questions welcome to consult the the Herbs Mei Ling San experts, we will provide you with timely answers. We will protect your privacy. The syphilis pathogen is a spirochete, which may be present in the skin and mucous membranes of patients with syphilis chancre, rash, body fluids. When healthy sex, spirochetes with the secretions into the health of the body and damage the skin and mucous membranes (even the faintest invisible to the naked eye injury), the contacts were infected. A handful through blood transfusions or contact with contaminated the Treponema pallidum items infected. Mother suffering from syphilis can be passed to the fetus. Treponema pallidum microorganism is a small and slim spirally 5-20nm in length, diameter <0.2nm. 6-12 spiral, invisible to the eye, in the light microscope under dark field, people can see only strong to Treponema pallidum refraction, its activities. 4-6 flagella sample fine fiber bundle at its front end, and its end was curled. Were not external factors, spiral rules. Is not easy because of its transparent coloring, also known as Treponema pallidum. The Treponema pallidum anaerobic bacteria in the body long-term survival and reproduction, as long as the conditions are suitable, they divided into two transverse fracture reproduce. Easy to survive in vitro, boiling, drying, soap and disinfectant to kill it easily. Performance: children with congenital syphilis congenital syphilis cases born after birth, 66% had no clinical symptoms, more than four to eight weeks after birth symptoms. Early congenital syphilis manifested as hepatosplenomegaly, skin rash (impetigo, peeling, rash), jaundice, chronic rhinitis, meningitis, intestinal obstruction or bleeding, interstitial pneumonia, lung abscess, cataracts, hydrocephalus, etc., late congenital syphilis interstitial keratitis, saddle nose, Hutchinson teeth, deafness, mental retardation, and even death. (Patients with syphilis in pregnancy period is pregnancy syphilis, careful not to knock down the fetus, Herbs - Herbs Mei Ling San, pure Chinese extraction of non-toxic side effects, can cure syphilis in pregnancy, do not knock down the fetal gestational syphilis in patients during pregnancy the of cure syphilis born baby is not syphilis!) Syphilis is how contagious it? 1, sexually transmitted: through sexual transmitted syphilis patients, accounting for more than 90%. Including sex, warm kiss, embrace body skin contact. Skin and mucous membranes of the genital area meager, rich in blood vessels, in a state of extreme congestion intercourse, sexual intercourse friction can cause minor injury, to create the conditions for the invasion of syphilis, Treponema pallidum. Indirect contact: All patients with syphilis clothes, bedding, goods, supplies, utensils, toilet, toilet and bath towels are likely to be patient secretions pollution and bring syphilis Treponema pallidum, the syphilis patients live closely together healthy people exposed to these, when a slight wound contaminated with pathogens article, it is easy to be infected. 3, blood-borne infection: the longer course of syphilis, especially in patients with latent syphilis, the body is infected with pathogens, but no clinical manifestations, health or a variety of other diseases, to enter the blood or blood products supplied by them, recipients infected with syphilis. Syphilis infection period: In general, the first 1 to 2 years contagious syphilis strong one, two syphilis patients are infectious, their skin and mucous membrane damage at the presence of a lot of Treponema pallidum; early latent infectious syphilis patients. With the extension of the stage of disease, infectious syphilis gradually decreases duration of more than 2 years, infectious syphilis will gradually weaken, even if it has not been the course of treatment of syphilis in more than 2 years women have sexual contact, usually will not be infected. Herbs Mei Ling San advantages: 1, pure Chinese herbal formula, green treatment, safety. 2, the oral administration of the combination of Chinese and Western thorough treatment of syphilis century prescription and fine selection of Chinese herbal medicines, the efficacy depth within the organ, fundamentally eliminate the presence of Treponema pallidum, a fundamental cure syphilis. 3, the drug molecules in syphilis while conditioning organs, activate the body's immune system to enhance the body immunity, accelerate the cure of disease, disease assurance the disease cured prevent recurrence. 4, four characteristics: traditional Chinese medicine, green, safe, anti-relapse. 5, Chinese Herbs Mei Ling San biggest advantage is tppa negative rate of more than 80% in the treatment of syphilis, recurrent syphilis, late syphilis antibody negative rate of decline. Patients with primary syphilis can reach more than 90%, is also a great help to prevent the recurrence of consolidation therapy in patients, to as consolidate relapse prevention. Syphilis is a sexually transmitted diseases at the same time, are also immune system diseases. Regulation of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the treatment of syphilis at the same time, adjust the patient's own immune system, and no recurrence of purpose to achieve complete cure syphilis medicine treatment itself has its inherent advantages: dig up the roots ideal, patient's body without any side women role. Pregnant women, infants and young children may be taking. (Depending on the patient's condition, we are all symptomatic prescription infants and young children, pregnant women may be taking Order Remarks infants or pregnant women will increase and decrease the corresponding medicinal efficacy unchanged!) 8. Guarantee a cure, but the prevalence of patients time and deterioration of the effect of treatment time and treatment are also different, we recommend early detection, early treatment. An ounce of prevention is a pound of cure. Chinese medicine Herbs Mei Ling San ingredients: drugs to bezoar, buffalo, Rehmannia, berberine, honeysuckle, Jinguolan, Radix, safflower, peach, red sage, frankincense, independent living, Achyranthes, Notopterygium, barley, Amomum, lotus seeds and meat , ginseng, Atractylodes, Poria. Syphilis medicine Herbs Mei Ling San Usage: every morning and evening to blunt the time, every time a money and a flat spoon (1 money = 5 g dose), a 10-day supply (money), two for a course of 20 days dose (40 money); good Herbs Mei Ling San efficacy, very popular peer exclusion. Slander negative posing Herbs Mering bulk peddle drugs, what is more directly counterfeit Herbs Mering bulk selling counterfeit drugs, such as 021-60546526 please look only Shijiazhuang, Hebei is a genuine, if there are questions, please Now inquiry report. Herbs Mei Ling San Minister Li 0311 -69,036,070. Herbs Mei Ling San efficacy Undoubtedly, all over the country to cure the patient of a single laboratory, a single laboratory specimen number in the upper-right corner, you can go to the hospital that query is true. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Chinese medicine Herbs Mei Ling San cure for syphilis
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Contact Person: Mr. Herbs Mering scattered experts(Expert)
Telephone Number: 0311-89265267
Company Address: Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, the construction of the street with the Huai An Road intersection, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, China
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